Mostrando ítems 19388-19407 de 41897

    Functional and structural studies of AKR1B15 and AKR1B16: Two novel additions to human and mouse aldo-keto reductase superfamily 

    Giménez Dejoz, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-22)

    La superfamília de les aldo-ceto reductases (AKR) comprèn un gran nombre de proteïnes monomèriques de localització citosòlica d’un un pes molecular d'aproximadament 36 kDa. Les AKRs tenen un plegament proteic comú evolutivament ...

    Functional characterization in vivo of essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae's hydrophilin for desiccation tolerance 

    López Martínez, Gema Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-22)

    La sobre expressió de les hidrofilines STF2 i SIP18 en soques de laboratori, tenen un efecte positiu en la tolerància a la deshidratació i rehidratació. A més, la sobre expressió de SIP18 en quatre soques comercials de ...

    Functional characterization of AWR affector proteins from the phytopathogen "R. solanacearum" (Caracterització funcional de les proteïnes efectores AWR del fitopatogen "R. solanacearum") 

    Solé Castellví, Montserrat (Fecha de defensa: 2011-11-25)

    "R. solanacearum" is a devastating bacterial pathogen that infects "Solanaceae" spp. such as tomato, eggplant or banana. A functional T3SS is required for virulence and more than 70 putative effectors have been described, ...

    Functional characterization of REVEILLE 8 and NIGHT LIGHT-INDUCIBLE AND CLOCK-REGULATED interaction in the diurnal regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis 

    Pérez García, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-27)

    El reloj circadiano es un mecanismo celular endógeno presente en prácticamente todos los organismos. Una función clave del reloj es la sincronización del metabolismo, fisiología y desarrollo con los cambios medioambientales ...

    Functional characterization of single amino acid variants 

    López Ferrando, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-11)

    Single amino acid variants (SAVs) are one of the main causes of Mendelian disorders, and play an important role in the development of many complex diseases. At the same time, they are the most common kind of variation ...

    Functional characterization of the CD300e leukocyte receptor 

    Brckalo, Tamara (Fecha de defensa: 2011-01-24)

    The focus of this work was to functionally characterize the CD300e receptor expressed in human monocytes and myeloid dendritic cells and investigate the implications that receptor engagement has on their biology. We provide ...

    Functional characterization of the connection between the circadian clock and the DNA damage and repair response in Arabidopsis thaliana 

    Gil Rodríguez, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-14)

    En la mayoría de los organismos estudiados, el reloj circadiano mantiene ritmos en fisiología, metabolismo y desarrollo en sintonía con los cambios medioambientales que suceden durante los ciclos diurnos y nocturnos. En ...

    Functional connectivity anomalies in the neural networks mediating motivated behavior : assessong obsessive-compulsive disorder , chronic cannabis use, Prader-Willi syndrome and Down syndrome 

    Blanco Hinojo, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-09)

    Compulsive, impulsive, and addictive disorders display some behavioral commonalities associated with a dysfunction in the regulation of motivated, goal-directed behavior. Relevant to motivated behavior, there is a set of ...

    Functional copolyesters from castor and sunflower oils, Poly(l-lactide) and poly(ε-caprolactone) using thiol-click chemistry. 

    Beyazkılıc, Zeynep (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-25)

    El desenvolupament de nous biopolímers ha esdevingut un tema de gran interes, degut tant a la disminució de les reserves de petroli i el seu preu com als problemes derivats de la sostenibilitat mediambiental. A banda dels ...

    Functional design of nanocomposites and their applications in energy conversion and storage 

    Du, Ruifeng (Fecha de defensa: 2022-06-30)

    [eng] This thesis focuses on the functional design and preparation of different kind of nanocomposites and their applications in energy conversion and storage technologies, particular in OER, HER, H2O2ER and LSBs. For the ...

    Functional diversity in higher education: curriculum accommodation for people with vision disability or hearing impairment in the English as a Foreign Language classroom 

    Martínez Hernández, Ana Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-14)

    This doctoral dissertation sets out to find useful and applicable inclusive practices that aim at UDL that could be implemented in the EFL context to make it accessible to learners with visual or aural diversity, with three ...

    Functional gels as microreactors 

    Singh, Nishant (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    Functionalized Hydrogels upon self-assembly demonslrate enzyme like catalysis owing to the formatin of hydrophobic pockets, increased local concentration of the catalytic sites, pKa change, pH shift etc. Here we present ...

    Functional Genetics of Suberin: The Role of CYP86A33 and StKCS6 in potato tuber periderm 

    Serra i Figueras, Olga (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-12)

    La caracterització funcional de dos gens en la peridermis, la ω hidroxilasa d'àcids grassos CYP86A33 -candidata per la funcionalització del carboni ω-terminal dels monòmers alifàtics de la suberina- i la ...

    Functional genomics and candidate genes for meat quality traits in pigs 

    Corominas Galbany, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-18)

    El cerdo es la especie doméstica más importante económicamente, no solo por ser la principal fuente de carne en la dieta humana, sino también por su papel como modelo animal para la investigación biomédica. La buena ...

    Functional genomics in fish: towards understanding stress and immune responses at a molecular level 

    Ribas Cabezas, Laia (Fecha de defensa: 2006-07-10)

    Aquesta tesis doctoral està basada en estudiar la resposta immunològica dels peixos en models d'estrès i d'activació del sistema immune des la genòmica funcional. L'aplicació de tecnologies moleculars com el Differential ...

    Functional genomics of the periderm: the biosynthetic gene FHT, the transcriptional regulator StRiK and the transcriptome deciphering 

    Boher Genís, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-06)

    We have developed new molecular tools to characterize the FHT and StRIK genes in the tuber periderm. Regarding FHT gene, our results demonstrated that is induced very specifically in suberizing tissues what makes FHT a ...

    Functional genomics of wound healing in drosophila = Genòmica funcional del procés de cicatrització en drosophila 

    Tamirlsa, Srlvldya (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-14)

    La ciencia básica ha de engarzarse con las necesidades sociales. Así, nuestro laboratorio esta involucrado en identificar genes específicamente modulados durante el proceso de cicatrización mediante estudios transcriptómicos ...

    Functional impact of alternative splicing in vertebrate proteomes across tissues and cell types 

    Tapial Rodríguez, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-14)

    Alternative splicing (AS) is a post-transcriptional mechanism for gene expression regulation affecting almost every multiexonic gene in mammals. However, the impact of AS at the proteomic level remains under debate. In ...

    Functional impact of frequent cancer mutations in the splicing regulatory protein RBM10 and discovery of cancer relevant targets 

    Hoffmann, Tobias (Fecha de defensa: 2021-04-08)

    The splicing regulatory protein RBM10 is frequently mutated in bladder carcinomas. Analysis of RNA sequencing data of 476 bladder tumours (UROMOL) identified 469 alternative splicing (AS) events associated with RBM10 ...

    Functional impact of polymorphic inversions in the human genome 

    Oliva Pavia, Meritxell (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-21)

    Una inversió és una reordenació genòmica que altera l'orientació d'una seqüència genòmica específica. Les inversions són reordenaments balancejats i no impliquen necessàriament un guany o pèrdua d'ADN, però tot i així poden ...