The Five-Factor Model and the Dark Tetrad of Personality: Psychometric Properties of Brief Instruments in Youth


Walker, Jordi Ortet ORCID


Ortet, Generós ORCID

Ibáñez, Manuel I ORCID


Ortet, Generós ORCID

Data de defensa



263 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorat

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


Short questionnaires assessing personality traits are lacking, especially in youth. Our aim was to cover the need for psychometrically sound, brief tools of FFM and “dark” personality. To this end, four studies were carried out: Studies 1 and 2 aimed at constructing abridged normal personality questionnaires for adolescents, the JS NEO-A60 and JS NEO-A50. Both instruments showed adequate psychometric properties. Studies 3 and 4 were directed at validating the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4), a 28-item measure of antagonistic personality traits, for Spanish-speaking adolescents. The measure had proper psychometric performance in both studies, extending previous work with the SD4, which included establishing gender and age invariance and ascertaining its nomological network. In sum, the combined results of the four studies underscore the utility of brief personality measures and provide short, comprehensive instruments for Spanish-speaking community adolescents. Using the JS NEO-A50 and the SD4 can be beneficial, particularly when time is scarce.

Paraules clau

Personality; Five-Factor model; Dark tetrad; Assessment; Short forms; Youth


159.9 - Psicologia

Àrea de coneixement



Compendi d'articles, Doctorat industrial, Doctorat internacional


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