Alguns aspectes de la provisió i la despesa en serveis socials: teoria i aplicació al cas de Catalunya 

    Costa Cuberta, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 1984-01-01)

    Els nexes d'unió entre la Hisenda Pública i la Política Social han tingut un reconeixement explícit, que s'ha posat de manifest en entrar en conflicte els dos conceptes, degut a l'evolució i l'allunyament dels seus objectius. ...

    Analysis of Michelin-starred restaurants and their geographical concentration: the case of Catalonia 

    Escalante Álamo, Raúl (Fecha de defensa: 2022-10-11)

    One of the most important sectors for developed economies is the restaurant industry. It is a sector closely linked to tourism, which under the umbrella of the hospitality industry employs millions of people around the ...

    Análisis de las relaciones interfirmas en el clúster del turismo de intereses especiales de la región de Los Lagos, Chile 

    Vera Garnica, José (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-08)

    La investigación estudia las relaciones interfirmas en empresas del clúster del turismo de intereses especiales de la región de los Lagos en Chile, utilizando como metodología el estudio de casos múltiples en unidades ...

    Birds of passage: circular migration and tourism development in Spain, 1955-1973 

    García-Barrero, José Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-07)

    Circular migrations have played an important role in multiple migratory episodes in the past and present. They have also increasingly been a source of interest for political institutions. Based on the Triple Win theory, ...

    Economic regulation and efficiency of electricity systems 

    Daví-Arderius, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-09)

    Environmental awareness is of increasing concern for society and leads heavy pressure to adopt challenging political decisions. In this context, electricity systems are facing a massive transformation from the replacement ...

    El sistema de direcció i planificació de l'economia cubana, 1975-1985 

    Alòs i Martí, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 1989-11-23)

    L'objectiu de la tesi doctoral és el de mostrar què és el Sistema de Direcció i Planificació de l'Economia de Cuba (SDPEC), quines són les seves principals característiques, així com estudiar el Subsistema de la ...

    Essays on Immigration and Political Economy 

    Romarri, Alessio (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    Understanding what drives individuals to vote for parties or individuals who have often used violent rhetoric toward women and minorities and enacted discriminatory laws is critical. At the same time, it is crucial to ...

    Essays on Political Economy of Public Intergenerational Transfers 

    Michailidis, Gianko (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-19)

    Low fertility and mortality rates combined with the retirement of the generation of “baby boomers” bring about dramatic population ageing and are projected to reverse the demographic pyramid in many advanced economies. The ...

    Essays on Public Economics and Public Policy Evaluation – Methods and Applications 

    Mazaira Font, Ferran A. (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-29)

    [eng] Economic policies and institutional design and decision-making vary greatly accross countries. Germany, the US and Canada, are federal states, where decision-making and economic policies are highly decentralized, ...

    Essays on Public Policies and Socioeconomic Disparities 

    Olivieri Agazzi, María Cecilia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-15)

    The dissertation addresses the analysis of inequality in various aspects of the economy and aims to contribute to the evaluation of public policies, as well as to the identification of possible effects derived from alternative ...

    Struggling Workers in a Changing World: Three Essays on Labour Economics and Political Economy 

    Cuccu, Liliana (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-20)

    [eng] The question of whether automation will cause mass unemployment has been a pressing concern in recent years. While estimates on the number of automatable occupations vary, the prospect of a substantial share of jobs ...

    The development of family policies in a familist welfare state: the Spanish case, 1900-1958 

    Verd Llabrés, Guillem (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-27)

    [eng] The low development of family policies has been considered a fundamental feature of contemporary southern European welfare states. As a result, family relations and inter-generational solidarity emerged as preferred ...

    Turismo e patrimônio cultural da cidade de Pelotas-RS-Brasil 

    Santos, Nara Nilcéia da Silva (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo elaborar um estudo sobre o patrimônio cultural e o turismo na cidade de Pelotas no sul do Brasil enfocando a importância do patrimônio para o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural. A cidade ...