Ara mostrant els elements 1-2 de 2

    La competencia "aprender a aprender" en un contexto educativo de ingeniería 

    Ramírez Echeverry, Jhon Jairo (Data de defensa: 2017-06-02)

    The objective of this thesis was to establish bases to characterize "learn to learn" competence and to promote it in an engineering educational context. It adopted the vision of educational psychology that establishes ...

    Modelo de educación de la inteligencia colectiva 

    Meza Hormaza, Jaime Alcides (Data de defensa: 2017-06-28)

    The research carried out is part of the field of study of Collective Intelligence (CI) with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education. The heart of this research was focused on the ...