Ara mostrant els elements 28-39 de 39

    Mediación cultural en el espacio museístico: un enfoque cooperativo para alumnado de educación secundaria. Aproximación a dos casos de estudio en Quebec y Cataluña 

    Laliberté De Gagné, Élisabeth (Data de defensa: 2023-01-26)

    This research is the result of a personal quest that focuses on the possibility of implementing and analyzing a mediation experience with high school students in the museum through cooperative learning experiences and to ...

    El mestre/a d'Educació Musical en el nou marc de l'EEES: un estudi a partir de les competències professionals 

    Sánchez Ariño, Sílvia (Data de defensa: 2014-12-05)

    This thesis studies the professional profile of Primary School music teachers, in the framework of the Catalan educational system and the construction of the Higher Education European Area (HEEA), focusing on the study of ...

    La modelización matemática: transición entre la educación primaria y secundaria 

    Trelles Zambrano, César Augusto (Data de defensa: 2022-12-20)

    Un dels reptes principals de l'Educació Matemàtica com a disciplina científica és generar coneixement que permeti incidir en la pràctica docent del professorat, amb l'objectiu de millorar els processos d'aprenentatge dels ...

    Modelo de formación dirigido a profesores de secundaria del área de ciencias experimentales basado en la sostenibilidad 

    Collazo Expósito, Leslie Mahe (Data de defensa: 2018-02-09)

    In order to contribute to the advancement of curricular Sustainability, we developed a Training Model that promotes action for transformation. Under the paradigm of socio-critical research we apply mixed research models: ...

    Narratives materials de l'àlbum il·lustrat. Una aproximació intermedial a la didàctica de la literatura 

    Kunde, Karo (Data de defensa: 2021-11-19)

    Intermediality is a cultural reality: in the multimodal and multimedia era, hybridization between media is a common practice, which we find in almost any communicative product and which requires specific knowledge to be ...

    Participació ciutadana i inclusió social en les comunitats de persones cegues: un estudi d'educació artística basat en el mestratge de la professora Rosa Gratacós 

    Cebrià Pairoli, Anna (Data de defensa: 2013-05-24)

    The construction of this thesis is developed from different conceptual interlacing axis that created a networking weave through which the field of investigation was debated and defined and a project of collaborative ...

    Percepciones, valoraciones e intereses de distintos actores y organizaciones sociales de Mendoza (Gran Mendoza y Malargüe), Argentina, en torno a las temáticas ambientales 

    Erice Gómez, María Ximena (Data de defensa: 2011-03-08)

    El proyecto aborda la problemática relacionada con las percepciones, valoraciones e intereses en torno a las temáticas ambientales de distintos actores y organizaciones sociales del Gran Mendoza y Malargüe. Se ha entrevistado ...

    La percepción de la emoción en la experiencia de formación energética emocional de la voz para el actor teatral. Un estudio etnográfico-interpretativo 

    Duran Elicer, Solange (Data de defensa: 2024-01-24)

    This doctoral thesis emerges after three decades of experience in teaching voice, with a specific focus on vocal training for theater in university spaces. The research proposes a new paradigm, methodological, and practical, ...

    Presencia de los procesos matemáticos en la enseñanza del número de 4 a 8 años. Transición entre la educación infantil y elemental 

    Coronata Ségure, Claudia (Data de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    In this thesis practices of teaching and learning of the concept of number of teachers of children between 4 and 8 years are analyzed, observing and analyzing the presence of the five mathematical processes: Resolution ...

    Revisiting STEAM in the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic goals of education: Implications for teaching and teacher training 

    Rodrigues-Silva, Jefferson (Data de defensa: 2023-07-28)

    Considering non-consensual understandings, we aim to revisit STEAM exploring its distinctiveness as an educational approach embedded within the broader discourses of education and tensions between the extrinsic and intrinsic ...

    Sobre poesia visual: aprenent a llegir davant les línies 

    Masgrau Juanola, Mariona (Data de defensa: 2011-04-27)

    This research examines the nature of visual poetry and its educational potential in the processes of teaching and learning reading and writing in primary education. The first part looks into the internal and external logic ...

    Un plan abierto. Continuidad espacial y social en la arquitectura escolar: experiencias y propuestas para espacios educativos innovadores en áreas críticas 

    Serboli, Margherita (Data de defensa: 2020-06-10)

    The architectural space is a proactive part of the social construction of individuals, being at the same time product and promoter of human actions. Its quality therefore plays a significant role in the public sphere, and ...