Ara mostrant els elements 1-18 de 18

    A dynamical model of a double-deck circular tunnel embedded in a full-space 

    Clot Razquin, Arnau (Data de defensa: 2014-02-20)

    This thesis presents a three-dimensional dynamic model of a double-deck circular tunnel embedded in a full-space. The model uses the receptance method to obtain the response of the complete structure from the response of ...

    A high-performance electromagnetic vibration energy harvester based on ring magnets with Halbach configuration: design, optimization, and applications 

    Ordóñez Izquierdo, Víctor Hugo (Data de defensa: 2022-09-22)

    Electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting is a relatively modern technology that has received relevant attention in the last decade from the research community and industry as a potential complement or alternative to the ...

    Advanced 2.5D meshless methodologies to deal with soil-structure interaction problems in elastodynamics 

    Liravi, Hassan (Data de defensa: 2022-07-29)

    This thesis is concerned with the development of efficient and practical numerical methodologies to deal with longitudinally invariant soil-structure interaction problems in elastodynamics. All the approaches appearing in ...

    An efficient methodology based on two-and-a-half-dimensional finite element and boundary element methods for ground-borne vibration radiated by underground railway tunnels and the re-radiated noise emitted inside them 

    Ghangale, Dhananjay (Data de defensa: 2019-07-19)

    This thesis presents a methodology for assessing induced ground-borne vibration due to Underground railway infrastructures in the context of an urban environment. The methodology is based on a comprehensive numerical ...

    Aporte al diseño de engranajes no circulares cilíndricos rectos 

    Quintero Riaza, Héctor Fabio (Data de defensa: 2006-06-28)

    En multitud de aplicaciones, es de interés obtener relaciones de transmisión variables a lo largo de un ciclo de rotación del eslabón conductor. Éstas pueden obtenerse mediante distintos mecanismos, entre ellos los engranajes ...

    Application of dynamic vibration absorbers on double-deck circular railway tunnels to mitigate railway-induced ground-borne vibration 

    Noori, Behshad (Data de defensa: 2019-07-19)

    This dissertation is concerned with investigating the efficiency of dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) as measures to mitigate ground-borne vibrations induced by railway traffic in double-deck tunnels. The main topics of ...

    Contribució a l'estudi de l'acústica dels tubs axisimètrics 

    Jordi, Lluïsa (Data de defensa: 1999-10-14)

    La tesi "Contribució a l'estudi de l'acústica dels tubs axisimètrics" és un treball centrat en l'estudi del comportament acústic dels tubs dels instruments musicals de vent amb simetria de revolució en el qual es fa ...

    Contribució a la detecció de defectes singulars en els perfils de les rodes de ferrocarril mitjançant l’anàlisi de les vibracions generades en el contacte roda-carril 

    Sanchís Estruch, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2019-07-16)

    One of the main problems presented due to the defects in the profiles of the railway wheels is the generation of vibrations and noise, and their propagation towards the environment. Defects in wheels, such as surface pitting ...

    Contribución a la metodología de caracterización dinámica de materiales resilientes para aplicaciones ferroviarias 

    Reina, Salvatore (Data de defensa: 2021-07-09)

    This thesis is focused on the enhancement and development of advanced methodologies for the dynamic characterisation of resilient elements used in railway applications. On the one hand, this thesis proposes several ...

    Estudi del mecanisme d'autoexcitació de bisell en el domini temporal 

    Puig Ortiz, Joan (Data de defensa: 2006-05-16)

    La tesi "Estudi del mecanisme d'autoexcitació de bisell en el domini temporal" és un treball de recerca centrat en l'estudi dels instruments musicals que utilitzen el mecanisme de bisell per generar el so. L'objectiu de ...

    Estudio del ángulo de presión y de la presión de contacto en mecanismos leva palpador cuya ley de desplazamiento se diseña por curvas de Bézier 

    Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto (Data de defensa: 2005-06-29)

    La tesis ha centrado su estudio en los mecanismos de leva con palpador circular de traslación por ser éstos ampliamente utilizados en la industria actual. Para el diseño de la ley de desplazamiento se utiliza curvas de ...

    Improved condition monitoring of hydraulic turbines based on artificial intelligence techniques 

    Zhao, Weiqiang (Data de defensa: 2021-07-21)

    As a type of renewable energy that can provide rapid response to the requirement of the power grid, hydropower plays a fairly important position in the energy market. In recent years, with the enormous entrance of new ...

    Modelo estocástico de hueso cortical de costilla humana para la predicción de fracturas mediante emisión acústica 

    García Vilana, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2021-02-04)

    In this document, a non-linear constitutive model with micro-cracking and irreversibility is proposed for cortical bone of the human rib, extended with a stochastic fracture model, based on acoustic emission. Both models ...

    Novel lubrication system to improve the excessive wear in wind turbine yaw and pitch gears 

    Farré Lladós, Josep (Data de defensa: 2015-04-28)

    Manufacturers of wind turbines have observed a new phenomenon that appears in high power wind turbines: excessive wear in the teeth located at 0º in the pitch bearing. In order to design more efficient wind turbines, ...

    Numerical tools for computational design of acoustic metamaterials 

    Roca Cazorla, David (Data de defensa: 2020-09-07)

    The notion of metamaterials as artificially engineered structures designed to obtain specific material properties, typically unachievable in naturally occurring materials, has captured the attention of the scientific and ...

    Passive acoustic method for aircraft localization 

    Martín Román, Sara-Regina (Data de defensa: 2013-07-15)

    The present thesis investigates a passive acoustic method to locate maneuvering aircraft. The method is based on the acoustical Doppler effect, as a particular effect of the signals received by a mesh of spatially distributed ...

    Research on fluidic oscillators under incompressible and compressible flow conditions 

    Baghaei, Masoud (Data de defensa: 2020-07-24)

    One of the main advantages of fluidic oscillators is that they do not have moving parts, which brings high reliability whenever being used in real applications. To use these devices in real applications, it is necessary ...

    Specific energy consumption of metal cutting with thin abrasive discs 

    Awan, Muhammad Rizwan (Data de defensa: 2021-11-02)

    The aim of this research is to provide an in-depth understanding of energy consumption in abrasive disc cutting processes. The specific energy consumed in cutting is measured,analysed, and then characterised in to three ...