Ara mostrant els elements 68-74 de 74

    Structural design and characterisation of FRC precast segments 

    Liao, Lin (Data de defensa: 2015-09-25)

    Concrete technology has changed greatly in the past decades. Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) is an example of the development in this field. It is obtained by adding fibres that act as a reinforcement of the cement ...

    Structural response of precast concrete segmental tunnel linings 

    Arnau Delgado, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2012-03-16)

    The increasing use of the tunnel boring machines (TBMs) has entailed their own evolution and the improvement of the construction processes applied, allowing the construction of tunnels on more complex hydro-geological ...

    Sustainability concepts applied to the design of recycled aggregates concrete 

    Jiménez Fernández, Cristián (Data de defensa: 2015-07-02)

    Due to the related problems and the ongoing awareness on environmental issues is that efforts are put in different areas of knowledge, in order to determine, analyze and formulate solutions towards a sustainable future. ...

    Un model per l'anàlisi del comportament resistent de construccions de maçoneria 

    Molins Borrell, Climent (Data de defensa: 1996-04-29)

    L'estudi del comportament i la verificació resistent de construccions de maçoneria, entenent per maçoneria qualsevol fàbrica de maó, de tovot, de pedra de paredar o de carreus, presenta diverses particularitats. En general, ...

    Valorització d'escòries d'incineració de residus sòlids urbans en capes granulars del ferm. Aplicació al tram experimental de Tagamanent 

    Izquierdo Ramonet, Maria (Data de defensa: 2005-02-28)

    Les escòries són el subproducte més abundant que s'obté en el procés d'incineració de residus sòlids urbans; constitueixen al voltant del 90 % en pes del producte sòlid resultant de la combustió. La producció anual a ...

    Verificación experimental de uniones mediante lazos de armadura y su aplicación en la construcción evolutiva de puentes 

    Contreras López, Catalina del Pilar (Data de defensa: 2012-03-23)

    The box-girder is currently the solution for large prestressed concrete bridges, being most used today in steel and mixed structures. Their widespread use is due to the strength characteristics and versatility, using various ...

    Web crippling and local buckling response of stainless steel sections 

    Bock Montero, Marina (Data de defensa: 2015-02-06)

    This thesis examines the response of stainless steel members when subjected to transverse and normal forces triggering the instability phenomena called web crippling and local buckling, respectively. Currently, the part ...