Diseño de un indicador de apoyo a la gestíón de firmes basado en el Ground Penetrating Radar: análisis de la forma del espectro de onda de GPR como indicador de estado de firmes asfálticos 

    Pedret Rodés, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-16)

    The Ground Penetrating Radar test applied to road engineering is overall used to determine the geometric characteristics of the pavement structure by analyzing the wave in the time domain. On many cases, it is often used ...

    Evolución temporal de la vegetación en el Sahel mediante el NDVI y su relación con la precipitación en el periodo 1983-2012 

    Puig i Polo, Càrol (Fecha de defensa: 2015-04-28)

    The development and population prosperity in the transition zone between the Sahara desert in the north and the tropical humid savannah in the south, known as Sahel, depends to a great extent on the rainfall regime. The ...

    Nuevo modelo de peaje urbano vinculado a una segregación del tráfico por niveles de calidad 

    Hormigo Ventura, Juan Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-25)

    Urban tolls are nowadays one of the most promising instruments to regulate the entry of vehicles into cities, given the flexibility and versatility granted by the available technology. Although, initially, they represent ...

    Previsión de precipitación a muy corto plazo combinando técnicas de extrapolación de datos radar y modelos meteorológicos 

    Hernández Navarro, Olver Olfrey (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-22)

    Rainfall nowcasting based on the extrapolation of most recent radar rainfall fields usually shows better skill than NWP models for short lead times, since it benefits from observations of the initial rainfall state. In ...

    Quantifying uncertainty in complex automotive crashworthiness computational models : development of methodologies and implementation in VPS/Pamcrash 

    Rocas Alonso, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-23)

    The automotive industry is constantly involved in the development of new methodologies and projects with the aim of reducing costs. During the vehicle design process, one of the most significant cost arises from building ...

    Spaceborne SAR imagery for monitoring the inundation in the Doñana wetlands 

    Martí Cardona, Belén (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-14)

    The Doñana wetlands, in Southwest Spain, undergo yearly cycles of inundation in fall and drying out during the spring season. As any wetland ecosystem, Doñana depends critically on its water resources. Important monitoring ...

    Technical-economic analysis, modeling and optimization of floating offshore wind farms 

    Lerch, Markus (Fecha de defensa: 2020-03-09)

    The offshore wind sector has grown significantly during the last decades driven by the increasing demand for clean energy and to reach defined energy targets based on renewable energies. As the wind speeds tend to be faster ...

    Tractament de la incertesa en estimació i previsió de pluja amb radars meteorològics 

    Roca Sancho, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-16)

    This thesis deals with uncertainty in radar-based precipitation estimation and nowcasting in two ways: its quantification in a probabilistic manner, and its reduction in the precipitation estimates. A straightforward way ...