Now showing items 35645-35664 of 41897

    The Role of Microtubule nucleation during neural development 

    Vais, Ricardo Silva dos Santos (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    The γ-­‐tubulin ring complex (γTuRC) is required to efficiently generate new microtubules (MT) in a process known as MT nucleation. In mitotic cells, MT nucleation by γTuRC occurs from the centrosome, in vicinity of the ...

    Role of miR7695 in controlling OsNramp6 (Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 6) expression and defense responses in rice plants 

    Peris Peris, Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-11-03)

    Los microARNs (mirARNs) son un clase de pequeños ARNs no codificantes que actúan como reguladores de la expresión génica, y juegan un papel determinante en procesos fisiológicos de las plantas, en los que se incluyen ...

    Role of miRNAs in multiple sclerosis: study of miRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid for different clinical conditions 

    Muñoz San Martín, María (Date of defense: 2021-09-15)

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease, characterized by the existence of demyelinated areas in the central nervous system, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the ...

    Role of mTOR in the activation of marginal zone B cells by TACI 

    Gentile, Maurizio (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    The marginal zone (MZ) of the spleen contains an innate-like subset of B cells that mount rapid protective antibody responses to polysaccharides and lipids from bloodborne viruses and bacteria. These antigens activate ...

    The Role of mutational processes in the evolution of somatic tissues and malignancy 

    Pich Roselló, Oriol (Date of defense: 2021-03-24)

    Cells of our body are constantly exposed to events that can create lesions in the DNA. If unremoved by the DNA repair mechanisms, the lesion may lead to a mutational event. Some of these events might drive the transformation ...

    Role of myosin VI in colorectal cancer 

    Macaya Erro, Irati (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    La miosina VI (MYO6) es un motor molecular que puede anclar moléculas o proporcionar tráfico de corto alcance a lo largo del citoesqueleto de actina valiéndose de la energía obtenida de la hidrólisis de ATP. La miosina VI ...

    Role of myosteatosis in the development and persistence of residual muscle weakness in treated acromegaly and Cushing's syndrome. Study of the mechanisms involved 

    Martel Duguech, Luciana M. (Date of defense: 2021-10-26)

    El síndrome de Cushing (SC) i l’acromegàlia (ACRO) es presenten amb miopatia i debilitat muscular que persisteixen després de la remissió de l’excés d’hormones. La infiltració de greix intramuscular s’ha associat amb el ...

    Role of network topology based methods in discovering novel gene-phenotype associations 

    Güney, Emre (Date of defense: 2012-09-25)

    The cell is governed by the complex interactions among various types of biomolecules. Coupled with environmental factors, variations in DNA can cause alterations in normal gene function and lead to a disease condition. ...

    The Role of Networks in the Emergence of New Business Opportunities and New Ventures in Different Geographic Contexts 

    Kalafatoglu, Tugba (Date of defense: 2018-06-15)

    L'emprenedoria es pot definir com "el procés mitjançant el qual les persones desco-breixen i exploten noves oportunitats de negocis, sovint mitjançant la creació de noves empreses" (Aldrich i Cliff, 2003: 575). Com a camp ...

    The role of newspapers in the EU communication process 

    Rodríguez Guillén, David (Date of defense: 2017-09-28)

    La baja participación en las elecciones europeas, la crisis migratoria, el “Brexit”. A lo largo de los últimos años, la Unión Europea ha experimentado un creciente escepticismo. Aunque algunos argumentan que la crisis ...

    Role of NFAT5 in macrophage polarisation 

    Tellechea Recarte, Mónica (Date of defense: 2017-05-19)

    Macrophages are exquisite sensors of tissue homeostasis that can rapidly switch between pro- and anti-inflammatory or regulatory modes to respond to perturbations in the microenvironment. This functional plasticity involves ...

    Role of NK cells in the efficacy of anti-HER2 therapeutic antibodies in breast cancer : from biomarkers to functional checkpoints enhacing ADCC responses 

    Cabo, Mariona (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    HER2 overexpression accounts for approximately 15-20% of breast tumors, and mainstay therapy for these patients includes HER2-specific antibodies in combination with chemotherapy. Although the efficacy of anti-HER2 antibodies ...

    Role of Notch/RBPjk signaling pathaway in embryonic hematopoiesis 

    Robert Moreno, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2007-09-28)

    The process that gives rise to all the mature blood cells from the HSCs (Hematopoietic Stem Cells) is known as hematopoiesis. In the adult, hematopoiesis takes place in the bone marrow although the HSCs are likely generated ...

    Role of Nr4a2 transcription factor in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Possible therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease 

    Català Solsona, Judit (Date of defense: 2020-06-12)

    Actualment no existeixen estratègies efectives per prevenir o curar la patologia d’Alzheimer. Per combatre una malaltia amb una fase prodròmica tant llarga, és crucial entendre els mecanismes alterats en estadis inicials. ...

    Role of NTRK3 in the extinction of fear memories and streess-coping: studies in a mouse model of panic disorder 

    Amador Arjona, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2008-07-23)

    The correct development and function of CNS is critical for brain health of the organism. Early or chronic stress causes prominent alterations in brain function, and affects the expression of neurotrophic factors in limbic ...

    Role of nuclear receptor RORγ1 in white adipose tissue 

    Vilà Rovira, Maria (Date of defense: 2022-03-07)

    El teixit adipós blanc (WAT) és un element integrador crucial en la regulació del balanç energètic i l’homeòstasi de la glucosa. Així doncs, una disfunció del WAT està associada al desenvolupament de malalties metabòliques, ...

    Role of p38 MAPK in breast cancer 

    Cánovas Bilbao, Begoña (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    In normal epithelial cells, p38α has a well-established role as a tumor suppressor. However, recent reports have illustrated pro-tumorigenic functions for the p38α pathway by promoting tumor cell survival and proliferation. ...

    Role of p38alpha kinase in myeloid cells during lung metastasis and inflammation 

    Borràs Eroles, Clara (Date of defense: 2023-02-09)

    [eng] The lungs are constantly exposed to external particles and microbes, so their particular immune environment is immunosuppressive to avoid unnecessary inflammatory responses. This increases the susceptibility of this ...

    Role of p38α in lung tumor progression 

    Vitos Faleato, Jessica (Date of defense: 2018-01-19)

    Tumors evolve by sequentially acquiring genetic abnormalities, like K-Ras activation and Tp53 loss of function, which enable transformed cells to survive, proliferate, invade, and reprogram their microenvironment. ...

    The role of persistent organic pollutants on Prochlorococcus photosynthetic capability under the global change scenario 

    Fernández Pinos, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 2016-07-15)

    This thesis aims to assess the effects of the complex mixture of organic pollutants on the Prochlorococcus photosynthetic capability, in field, and at sublethal level, in the multifactorial context of the global change. ...