Now showing items 33989-34008 of 41898

    Psoriasis y factores de riesgo cardiovascular: Estudio poblacional, ateromatosis subclínica y vasa vasorum adventiciales 

    Fernández Armenteros, José Manuel (Date of defense: 2019-10-23)

    Antecedents y objectius: La psoriasi és una malaltia inmunoinflamatòria de la pell molt prevalent (afectació del 1-3% de la població mundial) de la que existeixen pocs estudis de prevalença realitzats a Espanya. També ...

    Psych verbs in Spanish and Japanese 

    Shimoyoshi, Ayumi (Date of defense: 2016-04-18)

    Psych verbs display variations in the argument realization and this has been problematic for the theories that assume a uniform relationship between semantic properties and syntactic configurations. This dissertation ...

    Psychological and Personal Antecedents of Purchasing Counterfeit Products (Moderating role of the cognitive system) 

    Pahlevan, Sara (Date of defense: 2024-03-13)

    [eng] In response to the growing global trade in counterfeit goods, researchers and industry professionals in the luxury brand sector are working to combat these practices, safeguard international trade, and support ...

    Psychological and Psychosocial Factors in Second Language Acquisition: The Case of Young Immigrants in the Catalan Context 

    Senar Morera, Fernando (Date of defense: 2023-06-23)

    L'increment de la població immigrant a Catalunya planteja reptes per integrar-los educativament, socialment i lingüísticament. Tot i els esforços legislatius, persisteix una bretxa en el rendiment acadèmic d'aquests ...

    Psychological Capital in Schools 

    Carmona Halty, Marcos (Date of defense: 2020-12-17)

    El objetivo de la presente tesis fue examinar la aplicabilidad del constructo capital psicológico académico en un contexto escolar, aportando evidencia empírica sobre sus antecedentes y resultados académicos. Se realizaron ...

    Psychological characteristics, sexual function and quality of life in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome 

    Naumova, Iuliia (Date of defense: 2021-06-29)

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a multisymptomatic disorder and the most common endocrinopathy among women of reproductive age. Psychopathological problems are a relatively new aspect of PCOS for clinicians. Only about ...

    Psychological distress in Chinese lung cancer patients: prediction, psychosocial mechanisms, and intervention 

    Tian, Xu (Date of defense: 2023-04-14)

    Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu desenvolupar una eina predictiva vàlida per identificar pacients amb càncer de pulmó amb alt risc de patiment psicològic, explorar possibles mecanismes psicosocials de malestar psicològic en ...

    Psychological effects of “Gossip girl”, “Game of thrones” and “Breaking bad” on the lebanese audience 

    Abi-Khalil, Tamara Noelle Alicia (Date of defense: 2019-10-30)

    This research investigates the psychological effects of American television series on the Lebanese audience. The research was split into two studies: the first study was a quantitative analysis of the theories of identification ...

    Psychological Self-Care. A compendium of multimethod studies of self-care and psychological well-being 

    Gomez Borges, Ari (Date of defense: 2024-04-29)

    The doctoral thesis explores the importance of self-care in daily life, focusing on academic, professional, and functional diversity contexts. Three key questions guide the research: 1) Do self-care behaviors affect academic ...

    Psychological wellbeing, social support and social capital of unaccompanied migrant youths and young asylum seekers: the role of mentoring programmes with foreign youths in Catalonia 

    Alarcón Galindo, Xavier (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    Over the last decade the number of unaccompanied immigrant youths and asylum seekers has increased worldwide. The arrival of minors from Northwestern Africa and asylum seekers, mainly from Latin America and the Middle East, ...

    Psychometric methods for controlling social desirability response bias in aggression questionnaires 

    Anguiano Carrasco, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-01-18)

    Faking is understood as a respondent’s active effort to distort his/her answers to create a positive image. Although the extensive existing literature, several questions are still unsolved. On one hand, virtually no attention ...

    PsychoMSS Study: Stress and Psychosocial Factors in Multiple Sclerosis 

    Briones Buixassa, Laia (Date of defense: 2017-02-03)

    The stress effect on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has yielded disparate results. One reason may be the heterogeneity in the stress measure and the presence of potential moderators/mediators. Aims: to analyse the stress effect ...

    Psychopathy in childhood, validation of the child problematic traits inventory and relationship with other clinical entities 

    Barrau Alonso, Víctor (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Els Problemes de Comportament (PC) - que inclouen problemes d'agressivitat, negativisme i impulsivitat-, constitueixen la psicopatologia més prevalent en nens i adolescents, podent ser precursors d'altres trastorns ...

    Psychosocial factors in the implementation of biosecurity measures on dairy cattle farms in Spain 

    Moya Durán, Sebastián Jesús (Date of defense: 2021-04-07)

    L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi doctoral va ser conèixer els factors psicosocials que influeixen en l'aplicació de les mesures de bioseguretat en les granges de bovins de llet de Galícia i Catalunya a Espanya. En el ...

    Psychosocial support for young cancer survivors 

    Galán Ortega, Santiago J (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    El nombre de supervivents de càncer està creixent. Tanmateix, els efectes secundaris i a llarg plaç causats pel mateix càncer o pel seu tractament poden crear necessitats addicionals. Identificar quines són aquestes ...

    Psychotic symptoms in genetic-at-risk and bipolar disorder samples: prevalence and related variables 

    Mendez, Iria (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    [eng] If there is a continuum from isolated Psychotic-Like Experiences (PLE) in the general population to full psychotic disorders, both phenomena should share similar risk factors. In addition, one would expect them to ...

    Psychotic-like experiences and psychometric schizotypy: their relationships with depressive symptoms and theory of mind in adolescents from the general population 

    Barragán Farfán, Janis Marcela (Date of defense: 2013-11-18)

    Las personas que experimentan síntomas seudopsicóticos (SSP) presentan un riesgo elevado de sufrir trastornos psicóticos. Sin embargo, asociaciones encontradas entre SSP y trastornos no psicóticos sugieren que la relevancia ...

    Pubarquia precoz idiopática: Relación con el síndrome metabólico y con el desarrollo de hiperandrogenismo ovárico 

    Jaramillo Villegas, Adriana María (Date of defense: 2008-07-18)

    INTRODUCCIÓN: La pubarquia precoz idiopática en niñas (aparición de vello púbico antes de los 8 años) se ha asociado a manifestaciones de síndrome metabólico en edad prepuberal (hiperinsulinismo, obesidad central y ...

    Public and scientific opinion on climate policy, economic growth and the environment 

    Drews, Stefan (Date of defense: 2016-07-08)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es investigar la opinión pública y científica sobre políticas climáticas, crecimiento económico y medio ambiente. Esto se desarrolla en cuatro estudios originales. Un primer estudio tiene ...

    Public education spending: efficiency, productivity and politics 

    Azar Dufrechou, Paola (Date of defense: 2017-07-07)

    Existe un amplio consenso, tanto entre académicos como entre decisores políticos, sobre el cúmulo de beneficios derivados de la educación. Mejorar el nivel educativo de la población se ha identificado como un factor clave ...