Now showing items 20024-20043 of 41771

    GRh1-dependent unconventional protein secretion 

    Bruns, Caroline (Date of defense: 2013-04-30)

    A part de la secreció convencional, en la qual les proteïnes són transportades a través del reticle endoplasmàtic (RE) i de l'aparell de Golgi, s'han descrit, per a diferents proteïnes i en organismes diversos, rutes de ...

    GRID superscalar: a programming model for the Grid 

    Sirvent Pardell, Raül (Date of defense: 2009-02-03)

    Durant els darrers anys el Grid ha sorgit com una nova plataforma per la computació distribuïda. La tecnologia Gris permet unir diferents recursos de diferents dominis administratius i formar un superordinador virtual amb ...

    A grid-hypergraph load balancing approach for agent based applications in HPC systems 

    Márquez Pérez, Claudio Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    Hoy en día, una gran cantidad de problemas científicos y de ingeniería pueden ser estudiados y resueltos gracias a sistemas HPC (High Performance Computing). Los entornos HPC pueden resolver problemas cuando éstos son más ...

    Grinding effects on surface integrity, flexural strength and contact damage resistance of coated hardmetals 

    Yang, Jing, 1988- (Date of defense: 2016-05-31)

    This thesis assesses the influence of substrate surface integrity on different mechanical (flexural strength and contact damage resistance under spherical indentation) and tribological (scratch resistance as well as cracking ...

    Gringos como en sueños. Diferenciación y conflicto campesino en el sur andino peruano ante el desarrollo de un nuevo recurso: el turismo. Isla de Amantaní, Lago Titicaca 

    Gascón, Jordi (Gascón Gutiérrez) (Date of defense: 1999-01-01)

    El trabajo estudia el impacto que un turismo de carácter étnico ha tenido en la estructura social y económica de la Isla de Amantaní, distrito rural peruano de población quechua desde finales de la década de 1970. La ...

    Grip A (H1N1) PDM09: Malaltia moderada i greu en el pacient pediàtric. Utilitat de la càrrega viral com a biomarcador de gravetat 

    Launes Montaña, Cristian (Date of defense: 2012-07-05)

    INTRODUCCIÓ L’abril de 2009 s’identifica un nou virus de la grip, l’A (H1N1) pdm09, en humans. El juny del mateix any, l’Organització Mundial de la Salut declara l’estat de pandèmia a nivell mundial. La malaltia pel ...

    Groin problems in male football: beyond the time-loss approach 

    Esteve Caupena, Ernest (Date of defense: 2020-10-02)

    This Thesis aimed at studying the prevalence and severity and broadening the knowledge of aetiology and risk factors of groin injuries in male football. The four papers, which form part of this Thesis, are based on the ...

    Grooming i jerarquia en macacos de Barbaria (Macaca Sylvanus). Una aplicació del model de Seyfarth 

    Olivé i Obradors, Mireia (Date of defense: 2015-01-30)

    La present tesi estudia la relació entre el “grooming” i la jerarquia, a partir de la contrastació del model de Seyfarth (1977), amb dades obtingudes mitjançant un estudi empíric en macacos de Barbaria (Macaca sylvanus) ...

    El grosor íntima-media de la arteria femoral superficial como marcador de la aterosclerosis y de la enfermedad arterial periférica 

    Arnedo Valero, Gemma (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    1-Introducción: El grosor íntima-media (GIM) de la arteria carótida, medido con eco-doppler, es considerado un marcador precoz de las enfermedades cardiovasculares121. La enfermedad arterial periférica es una enfermedad ...

    Grosor vestibular gingival y óseo de los incisivos superiores e inferiores en biotipos finos y gruesos 

    Rossell Capell, Joan (Date of defense: 2017-05-19)

    Tesi doctoral sobre els gruixos de geniva i os per vestibular d'incisius superiors i incisius inferiors en 3 biotips diferents. Els objectius principals d'aquesta Tesi dividida en dos estudis són: Estudi 1) Estudiar ...

    Ground moving target indication with synthetic aperture radars for maritime surveillance 

    Makhoul Varona, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    The explosive growth of shipping traffic all over the World, with around three quarters of the total trade goods and crude oil transported by sea, has raised newly emerging concerns (economical, ecological, social and ...

    Ground plane booster antenna technology for wireless handheld devices 

    Andújar Linares, Aurora (Date of defense: 2013-10-04)

    This thesis is framed in the field of mobile communications and more particularly in handset antennas. The wireless industry is constantly growing, which entails challenging handset antenna specifications. Handset antennas ...

    Ground vegetation covers as a tool for weed management in vineyards 

    Valencia Gredilla, Francisco (Date of defense: 2020-06-23)

    L'evolució cap a una agricultura més compromesa amb el medi ambient ha possibilitat, en viña, el trànsit cap a tècniques de manteniment del sòl més sostenibles, com són les cobertes vegetals. En aquest context es planteja ...

    Grounding body ownership and language in action: evidence from healthy and damaged brains 

    Grechuta, Klaudia (Date of defense: 2019-07-05)

    Contrary to the classical theory of mind, largely inspired by dualism, the theoretical framework of embodiment emphasizes the constitutive role of the body in the process of cognition. This view also referred to as the ...

    Grounding brain mechanisms in the spatiotemporal properties of cerebral and behavioral networks 

    Ulysse, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-11-04)

    The spatiotemporal properties of the cerebral and behavioral networks are key elements to understand normal brain functioning and their breakdowns. This dissertation focuses on the cerebral networks of the brain regions’ ...

    Grounding Legal Reality 

    Chilovi, Samuele (Date of defense: 2019-06-12)

    The four main chapters of this thesis, while each largely autonomous, collectively provide a study of the relation between grounding and supervenience, and a comprehensive application of grounding theory to the philosophy ...

    Grounding, Subjectification and Deixis: Modal Constructions in Catalan Sign Language and Their Interaction with Other Semantic Domains 

    Jarque, Maria Josep (Date of defense: 2019-01-22)

    [eng] This dissertation is framed in the overlap of two disciplines: educational linguistics and theoretical linguistics. We will focus on signed languages, the visual-gestural linguistic systems of the communities of Deaf ...

    Group development as a mediator of the effects of leadership style on team effectiveness in certain and uncertain team tasks 

    Leuteritz, Jan-Paul Joachim (Date of defense: 2019-03-04)

    The main objective of this research project was to investigate the mechanisms linking two important psychosocial processes, transformational leadership and group development on the one hand, to team effectiveness in certain ...

    Group identity effects on individual decision-making 

    Bronchal Rueda, Adrià (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    Com a individus, definim les nostres identitats de grup mitjançant la categorització dels altres individus i de nosaltres mateixos en moltes categories socials com la de gènere, raça, religió, nacionalitat, conviccions ...

    Group representations, algebraic dynamics and torsion theories 

    Virili, Simone (Date of defense: 2014-09-15)

    La tesis está organizada en doce capítulos, divididos en cinco partes. La Parte I comprende los primeros tres capítulos. En el Capítulo 1 damos una breve introducción a la teoría de las categorías y recordamos las técnicas ...