Now showing items 6087-6106 of 41827

    Climate change and precipitation trends in the northern Mediterranean 

    Fortuny, Didac (Date of defense: 2015-07-13)

    According to climate projections for the end of the twenty-first century, regional responses to global warming include a strong and widespread drying over the northern Mediterranean, particularly intense in summer. Many ...

    Climate change and the expansion of thermophilic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean: the importance of studying condition and reproduction to understand the increase in their abundance 

    Villegas Hernández, Harold O. (Date of defense: 2015-09-04)

    A direct consequence of sea warming in the Mediterranean is a increase in the abundance of thermo-tolerant species fish species such as Sphyraena viridensis, Pomadasys incisus, Pomatomus saltatrix and Trachinotus ovatus. ...

    Climate change impact on the photodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils 

    Marquès Bueno, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2017-05-04)

    Les avaluacions del Panell Intergovernamental del Canvi Climàtic han evidenciat que l’augment d’emissions amb efecte hivernacle ha causat que el clima canviï més ràpidament. Encara que s’espera un impacte a escala global, ...

    Climate change impacts on the mediterranean forest and shrubland, their ecophysiology, demography and community composition 

    Liu, Daijun (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    Les alteracions antropogèniques han provocat ràpids canvis climàtics amb un gran impacte sobre els ecosistemes mediterranis, provocant canvis en els processos fisiològics vegetals (per exemple la fotosíntesi), població ...

    Climate change impacts on winter tourism in the Pyrenees and adaptation strategies 

    Pons Pons, Marc (Date of defense: 2014-11-07)

    Climate Change has become no longer a conjecture but an objective reality. The increase of the global average temperature, the seas level rise or the increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events are ...

    Climate Change Indicators. A Local Perspective 

    García del Amo, David (Date of defense: 2021-09-29)

    Aquesta tesi contribueix a el creixent camp d'investigació de l'canvi climàtic i el coneixement indígena i local (ILK) responent a la crida per a l'exploració de dades terrestres que ajudin a omplir els buits de coneixement ...

    Climate change, migration, and corrective duties: Thinking beyond sinking islands 

    Sánchez de la Sierra, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-12-12)

    The philosophical discussion on climate change and migration to date has focused mainly on the case ‘sinking islands’. Though critical, this case represents only a small fraction of the empirical and normative landscape ...

    Climate networks constructed by using information-theoretic measures and ordinal time-series analysis 

    Deza, Juan Ignacio (Date of defense: 2015-02-26)

    This Thesis is devoted to the construction of global climate networks (CNs) built from time series -surface air temperature anomalies (SAT)- using nonlinear analysis. Several information theory measures have been used ...

    Climate variability predictions for the wind energy industry: a climate services perspective 

    Lledó Ponsatí, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2020-12-09)

    In order to mitigate the climate change effects, the world is undergoing an energy transition from polluting sources towards renewable energies. This transition is turning the electricity system more dependent on atmospheric ...

    Climate-induced changes in headwater streams: Effects of warming and drought on resource-consumer trophic interactions 

    Mas Martí, Esther (Date of defense: 2014-11-14)

    Changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change are expected to increase stream water temperature and reduce their discharge. Consequently, more streams might face temporality, experiencing flow intermittency ...

    Clinical and environmental Aspergillus: morphological and molecular characterization, phylogeny, and antifungal susceptibility profile 

    Zen Siqueira, Joao Paulo (Date of defense: 2017-10-11)

    Aspergillus és un dels gèneres de Ascomycetes més comuns i ubics, habitant una gran diversitat de substrats. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi va ser contribuir al millor coneixement d'aquest gènere, explorant la diversitat ...

    Clinical and epidemiological aspects of feline and canine leishmaniosis in Venezuela 

    Rivas Estanga, Aruanai Kalú (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    Veneçuela és una àrea endèmica de leishmaniosi en humans, així com també en gossos i gats, el que constitueix un problema de salut pública. La informació científica en aquesta regió sobre la clínica i epidemiologia de la ...

    Clinical and immunological characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Solid Organ Transplantation 

    Favà Buch, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2022-11-14)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) became, and remains, one of the most common preventable causes of early death among solid organ transplant (SOT) patients. Exhaustive clinical and immune-biological ...

    Clinical and molecular characterization of Factor I and C5 complement deficiencies: from diagnosis to population studies 

    Franco Jarava, Clara (Date of defense: 2017-07-14)

    El Sistema de Complemento es una parte de la respuesta inmune humoral que, entre otras funciones, se encarga de la defensa frente a patógenos y eliminación de inmunocomplejos. Está compuesto por más de treinta proteínas ...

    Clinical and toxicological significance of the involvement of the cytocrhome p450 system in the metabolism of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 

    O'Mahony, Brian (Date of defense: 2008-11-17)

    La 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) es una anfetamina sustituida de consumo frecuente y abusivo. La enzima principal que participa en el metabolismo de fase I de la MDMA, la isoforma 2D6 (CYP2D6) del citocromo ...

    Clinical application of 2D perfusion angiography in critical limb ischemia revascularization 

    Gómez Jabalera, Efrem (Date of defense: 2020-10-27)

    El tractament endovascular de la malaltia arterial perifèrica està basat en les imatges angiogràfiques. La interpretació subjectiva feta a partir d’elles és com més habitualment s’avalua l’èxit del tractament durant la ...

    Clinical approach and management of bacterial infections of the central nervous system related to hydrocephalus 

    Pelegrín Senent, Iván (Date of defense: 2017-06-30)

    INTRODUCTION: Community-acquired bacterial meningitis is a relevant entity related to a high morbidity and mortality, despite of the adjuvant and antibiotic treatments available. Morbidity and mortality are caused by ...

    Clinical aspects of C. burnetii infection in dairy cattle 

    Tutusaus Batlle, Joan (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)

    La febre Q és una zoonosis re-emergent endèmica mundialment, causada per Coxiella burnetii, un bacil Gram negatiu intracel.lular. Els remugants domèstics són el reservori principal per als humans. La infecció és principalment ...

    Clinical decision support for screening, diagnosis and assessment of respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a use case 

    Velickovski, Filip (Date of defense: 2016-10-06)

    In this thesis we propose a framework for designing, developing, a clinical decision support systems (CDSS) offering a suite of services for the early detection and assessment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ...

    The clinical description, molecular etiology, and pathophysiological studies in cutaneous skeletal hypophosphatemia syndrome: a mosaic disorder of activating RAS mutations 

    Ovejero Crespo, Diana (Date of defense: 2017-06-16)

    Introducción: El síndrome Cutaneo Esquelético Fosfatémico (SCEF) es una enfermedad mosaica ultrarara causada por mutaciones RAS postzygóticas que se define por la asociación de nevus epidérmicos y/o melanocíticos, ...