Álgebras de funciones analíticas acotadas. Interpolación

Universitat de València. Departament d'Anàlisi Matemàtica
Miralles Montolío, Alejandro
Este trabajo resume, de forma parcial, la investigaci¶on realizada durante<br/>mi periodo predoctoral. Esta investigaci¶on pertenece, de forma general,<br/>a la teor¶³a de ¶algebras de Banach conmutativas y ¶algebras uniformes y,<br/>en particular, se desarrolla principalmente en el ¶ambito de las ¶algebras de<br/>funciones anal¶³ticas acotadas en dominios de espacios de Banach ¯nito e<br/>in¯nito dimensionales.<br/>Las l¶³neas centrales de este trabajo son las siguientes:<br/>² Sucesiones de Interpolaci¶on para ¶Algebras Uniformes<br/>² Operadores de Composici¶on<br/>² Propiedades Topol¶ogicas de ¶Algebras de Funciones Anal¶³ticas<br/>La investigaci¶on realizada sobre sucesiones de interpolaci¶on para ¶algebras<br/>uniformes se puede dividir en dos partes: una gen¶erica en la que se propor-<br/>cionan algunos resultados de car¶acter general sobre sucesiones de interpo-<br/>laci¶on para ¶algebras uniformes, y una parte m¶as espec¶³¯ca, en que se tratan<br/>sucesiones de interpolaci¶on para algunas ¶algebras de funciones anal¶³ticas<br/>acotadas. Estos puntos se tratan en los Cap¶³tulos 2 y 3. El estudio de oper-<br/>adores de composici¶on, principalmente sobre H1(BE), centra el contenido<br/>del Cap¶³tulo 4. En este cap¶³tulo estudiaremos una descripci¶on del espectro<br/>de estos operadores y los llamados operadores de composici¶on de Radon-<br/>Nikod¶ym. Para ello, se har¶a uso de algunos resultados de interpolaci¶on del<br/>cap¶³tulo anterior. Con respecto a la tercera l¶³nea que hemos citado, estu-<br/>diaremos los llamados operadores de tipo Hankel en el cap¶³tulo 5. ¶Estos<br/>nos permitir¶an tratar el concepto de ¶algebra tight y las ¶algebras de Bour-<br/>gain de un subespacio de C(K), que est¶an estrechamente relacionadas con<br/>la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis.
The lines studied in this thesis are the following:<br/>² Interpolating Sequences for Uniform Algebras<br/>² Composition Operators<br/>² Topological Properties in Algebras of Analytic Functions<br/>After the preliminaries, the second chapter is devoted to the study of<br/>interpolating sequences on uniform algebras A. We ¯rst deal with the con-<br/>nection between interpolating sequences and linear interpolating sequences.<br/>Next, we deal with dual uniform algebras A = X¤. In this context, we<br/>prove ¯rst that c0¡linear interpolating sequences are linear interpolating<br/>and then, we show that c0¡interpolating sequences are, indeed, c0¡linear<br/>interpolating, obtaining that c0¡interpolating sequences (xn) ½ MA X<br/>become linear interpolating. Finally, we provide a di®erent approach to<br/>prove that c0¡interpolating sequences are not c0¡linear interpolating via<br/>composition operators.<br/>We continue with the study of interpolating sequences for the algebras<br/>of analytic functions H1(BE) and A1(BE) in the third chapter. The study<br/>of interpolating sequences for H1 arises from the results of L. Carleson, W.<br/>K. Hayman and D. J. Newman. When we deal with general Banach spaces,<br/>we prove that the Hayman-Newman condition for the sequence of norms is<br/>su±cient for a sequence (xn) ½ BE¤¤ to be interpolating for H1(BE) if E<br/>is any ¯nite or in¯nite dimensional Banach space. This is a consequence of<br/>a stronger result :<br/>The Carleson condition for the sequence (kxnk) ½ D is su±cient for<br/>(xn) to be interpolating for H1(BE).<br/>Actually, the result holds for sequences in BE¤¤ thanks to the Davie-<br/>Gamelin extension.<br/>When we deal with A = A1(BE), the existence of interpolating se-<br/>quences for A was proved by J. Globevnik for a wide class of in¯nite-<br/>dimensional Banach spaces. We complete this study by proving the ex-<br/>istence of interpolating sequences for A1(BE) for any in¯nite-dimensional<br/>Banach space E, characterizing the separability of A1(BE) in terms of the<br/>¯nite dimension of E.<br/>Finally, we study the metrizability of bounded subsets of MA when we<br/>deal with A = Au(BE).<br/>In chapter 4 we deal with composition operators on H1(BE). First we<br/>study the spectra of these operators. L. Zheng described the spectrum<br/>of some composition operators on H1. Her results where extended to<br/>H1(BE), E any complex Banach space, by P. Galindo, T. Gamelin and<br/>M. LindstrÄom for the power compact case. In this work, the authors also<br/>deal with the non power compact case for Hilbert spaces. Inspired by them<br/>and using some interpolating results, we provide a general theorem which<br/>describes the spectrum of H1(BE) for general Banach spaces. In partic-<br/>ular, we prove that conditions on this theorem are satis¯ed by the n¡fold<br/>product space Cn, completing the description of ¾(CÁ) in this case, which<br/>was an open question.<br/>Next, we study the class of Radon-Nikod¶ym composition operators from<br/>H1(BE) to H1(BF ). We characterize these operators in terms of the As-<br/>plund property.<br/>Chapter 5 deals with properties related to Hankel-type operators. The<br/>concept of tight algebra is related to these operators and was introduced<br/>by B. Cole and T. Gamelin. They proved that A(Dn) is not tight on its<br/>spectrum for n ¸ 2. We present a new approach to this result extending<br/>it to algebras Au(BE) for Banach spaces E = C £ F endowed with the<br/>supremum norm.<br/>In addition, we show that H1(BE) is never tight on its spectrum re-<br/>gardless the Banach space E.<br/>Hankel-type operators are also closely related to the Dunford-Pettis prop-<br/>erty through the so-called Bourgain algebras introduced by J. A. Cima and<br/>R. M. Timoney. We prove that the Bourgain algebras of A(Dn) as a sub-<br/>space of C( ¹D n) are themselves.
Universitat de València
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TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Facultat de Matemàtiques
Álgebras de funciones analíticas acotadas. Interpolación
Galindo Pastor, Pablo



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