Now showing items 7027-7046 of 41732

    Conjoint design of railway lines and frequency setting under semi-congested scenarios 

    López Ramos, Francisco (Date of defense: 2014-02-24)

    This thesis develops mathematical programming models which integrate network design (ND) and line frequency setting (LFS) phases. These appear in transport planning studies that extend an existing urban public transportation ...

    Conjugacy classes and normal subgroups in finite groups 

    Melchor Borja, Carmen (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    This thesis is framed within the study that analyzes the influence of the conjugacy classes on the structure of finite groups. Over the last few decades this has been a flourishing and active line of research. The contents ...

    Conjugated materials for thermoelectrics and photovoltaics 

    Dörling, Bernhard (Date of defense: 2017-06-08)

    Esta tesis explora cómo las interacciones entre materiales orgánicos pueden ser aprovechadas para obtener funcionalidad adicional de una manera sencilla, sin necesidad de procesamiento complejo. Los resultados obtenidos ...

    Conjugated organic radicals and polyradicals: electronic structure and photophysics 

    Sandoval-Salinas, María Eugenia (Date of defense: 2021-02-15)

    The principal aim of this thesis is the understanding of the electronic structure of organic diradical and polyradical molecules. Unveiling the properties that give them the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties to ...

    Conjugation and cyclization of polyamides derivatized with protected maleimides 

    Elduque Busquets, Xavier (Date of defense: 2014-09-05)

    This work is divided in 2 different parts: Part A: Cyclization and conjugation can confer on biomolecules better activity, resistance toward enzymatic degradation and better internalization properties. In order to ...

    El conjunt patrimonial de l'església parroquial de Sant Pere de Petra (Mallorca) 

    Andreu Galmés, Jaume (Date of defense: 2023-07-19)

    La tesi té com a objecte d’estudi el conjunt patrimonial de l’església parroquial de Sant Pere de Petra (Mallorca). Permet conèixer per primer cop la totalitat dels béns considerats part del patrimoni cultural que s’integren ...

    Conjuntos focales en variedades de Riemann de curvatura acotada 

    Escudero Salcedo, Carlos Arturo (Date of defense: 2006-09-28)

    Conjunts ceràmics dels segles II-I AC a Tarragona: producció, comerç i consum a la Tàrraco Republicana 

    Díaz García, Moisés (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    Aquest treball pretén apropar-se a la realitat de la història de Tàrraco des de l’arribada dels romans en el transcurs de la Segona Guerra Púnica fins a l’inici del principat d’August, a través de l’estudi dels contextos ...

    Conmemorar Catalunya: 1714 y la cuestión catalana 

    Manuel, Ramírez Ortiz (Date of defense: 2018-03-20)

    Consideramos que es el resultado de la evolución de la cuestión catalana y de la ideología nacionalista que le acompaña. Por consiguiente, es objetivo central de esta tesis culminar la Conmemoración del Tricentenario de ...

    Connected co-viewing: the interweaving of user-generated content and viewing practices in the Brazilian prime time telenovela genre 

    Pires de Sá, Fernanda (Date of defense: 2017-09-14)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació és identificar i examinar les principals pràctiques relacionades amb el covisionament connectat i les activitats de contingut generat pels usuaris mentre es visualitza un gènere de televisió ...

    Connecting biodiversity and biogeochemical role by microbial metagenomics 

    Llorens Marès, Tomàs (Date of defense: 2015-07-28)

    The main objective of this PhD dissertation was to unveil the links between biogeochemistry and microbial diversity using metagenomics functional potential as a proxy to connect a mechanistic perspective with whole-system ...

    Connecting centrosomes, cilia and the DNA damage response 

    Terré Torras, Berta (Date of defense: 2016-12-13)

    The suppression of genome instability by the DNA damage response (DDR) is critical for preventing human diseases characterized by developmental defects, infertility and in some cases, elevated cancer predisposition. After ...

    Connecting customers with the company: the role of interactiveness and its effect on performance 

    Pergelova, Albena (Date of defense: 2010-07-05)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es explorar el concepto de interactiveness en el campo de marketing, entender las actitudes y las percepciones de los directivos hacia la interactiveness y evaluar empíricamente el efecto de la ...

    Connecting RAGE and cell plasticity in triple-negative breast cancer 

    Pujals Pruneda, Mireia (Date of defense: 2022-03-01)

    RAGE is a transmembrane protein of the immunoglobulin family highly expressed during embryonic development but rarely expressed in adult healthy tissues. However, under cellular stress RAGE is re-expressed and mediates ...

    Connecting real, sustainable, smart and digital cities 

    Oliveira, Thays Aparecida de (Date of defense: 2020-11-26)

    This thesis addresses on research accomplished and published during the last five years on the state-of-the-art about the development on Smart and Digital Cities. The world population has been increasing and conglomerating ...

    Connecting time and timbre: computational methods for generative rhythmic loops in symbolic and signal domains 

    Ó Nuanáin, Cárthach (Date of defense: 2018-03-19)

    The practice of music composition often stems from a small idea or motif that blossoms into a complete work through careful application of repetition, variation and a dash of inspiration. In the highly rhythmic and repetitive ...

    Connection between protein disorder, folding and aggregation: Physiological and Pathological implications 

    Pujols Pujol, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    Les Proteïnes o Regions Intrínsecament Desordenades (IDPs, IDRs) son una classe de polipèptids que són incapaços d’adoptar una estructura tridimensional definida en el seu estat natiu. La seva funció depèn de la flexibilitat ...

    Connection between viral genetic diversity and clinical manifestation of Papillomavirus infection = Connexió entre la diversitat de genotips virals i les manifestacions clíniques de la infecció pel virus del Papil·loma 

    Félez Sánchez-Ocaña, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-06-29)

    Papillomaviruses (PVs) are a numerous family of small dsDNA viruses infecting virtually all mammals. PVs cause infections without triggering a strong immune response, and natural infection provides only limited protection ...

    Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic functions 

    Taixés i Ventosa, Jordi (Date of defense: 2011-09-22)

    Newton's method associated to a complex holomorphic function f is defined by the dynamical system Nf(z) = z – f(z) / f'(z). As a root-finding algorithm, a natural question is to understand the dynamics of Nf about its fixed ...

    Connectivity of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea by modeling the Lagrangian transport of larvae 

    Clavel-Henry, Morane (Date of defense: 2020-03-13)

    The connectivity of the deep-sea blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, the most targeted species by trawl fisheries in the western and central Mediterranean Sea, is an information of interest for the management policies ...