Now showing items 18-35 of 35

    Forcing Arguments in Infinite RamseyTheory 

    García Ávila, Luz María (Date of defense: 2012-07-12)

    This is a contribution to combinatorial set theory, specifically to infinite Ramsey Theory, which deals with partitions of infinite sets. The basic pigeon hole principle states that for every partition of the set of all ...

    Forking in simple theories and CM-triviality 

    Palacín Cruz, Daniel (Date of defense: 2012-07-17)

    Aquesta tesi té tres objectius. En primer lloc, estudiem generalitzacions de la jerarquia no ample relatives a una família de tipus parcials. Aquestes jerarquies en permeten classificar la complexitat del “forking” respecte ...

    In Defense of Implicit Times 

    Rey Sampedro, David Alejandro (Date of defense: 2016-12-20)

    The present dissertation explores the hypothesis that English is a language with time-shifting grammatical devices. According to this hypothesis, the linguistic objects of English grammar which serve as the inputs to ...

    Investigations into the role of translations in abstract algebraic logic 

    Moraschini, Tommaso (Date of defense: 2016-06-08)

    This memoir is divided into two parts, devoted to two topics in (ab-stract) algebraic logic. In the first part we develop a hierarchy in which propositional logics “L” are classified according to the definability conditions ...

    Large cardinals and resurrection axioms 

    Tsaprounis, Konstantinos (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    In the current dissertation we work in set theory and we study both various large cardinal hierarchies and issues related to forcing axioms and generic absoluteness. The necessary preliminaries may be found, as it should ...

    Logical planning in Temporal Defeasible and Dynamic Epistemic Logics: the case of t-DeLP and LCC 

    Pardo Ventura, Pere (Date of defense: 2013-11-19)

    In this thesis, we study planning systems based on logics, for two particular cases: Temporal Defeasible Logic Programming t-DeLP and the Logics of Communication and Change LCC. A planning problem consists in building a ...

    Lògica i fonaments: 1850-1920. Un estudi comparatiu de les contribucions del corrent algèbric i logicista a la lògica contemporània 

    Roselló Moya, Joan (Date of defense: 2003-03-06)

    L'objectiu principal del nostre estudi ha estat, en primer lloc, fer una "història de la lògica" que abastés el període que va aproximadament des de mitjans del segle XIX, època en què Boole i De Morgan renoven la lògica ...

    Lògiques modals tetravalents 

    Rius Font, Miquel (Date of defense: 1992-03-26)

    El marc algebraic en què es situa aquesta memòria és l'introduït per Brown i Suzko a [BS], marc que gira entorn la definició de lògica abstracta; una lògica abstracta “L” és una parella (A,C) formada per una àlgebra abstracta ...

    La Lógica de Gottlob Frege: 1879 – 1903 

    Bertran San Millán, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-10)

    Ofrecemos en esta tesis doctoral una reconstrucción global y detallada de la lógica desarrollada por Gottlob Frege a lo largo de su carrera. A pesar de que esta lógica fue objeto de profundas modificaciones desde su ...

    Nombres, referencia y valor cognoscitivo 

    Vicario Arjona, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2001-09-14)

    El tema de la tesis doctoral concierne a la semántica de los nombres propios y, principalmente, se centra en el estudio de algunos problemas cognoscitivos derivados de su comprensión. El punto de vista defendido es que los ...

    Operators and strong versions of sentential logics in Abstract Algebraic Logic 

    Albuquerque, Hugo Cardoso (Date of defense: 2016-03-16)

    This dissertation presents the results of our research on some recent devel-opments in Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL), namely on the Suszko operator, the Leibniz filters, and truth-equational logics. Part I builts and ...

    Projective forcing / Forcing projectiu 

    Bosch i Bastardas, Roger (Date of defense: 2002-04-12)

    Atès que el resum conté caràcters matemàtics especials, s'ha optat per incloure'l com a document annex, amb el títol "Resum.pdf".

    Self-Involving Representationalism (SIR): A naturalistic Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness 

    Sebastián González, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2011-06-17)

    A naturalistic account of phenomenal consciousness is presented: Self-Involving Representationalism. The first step for the project of naturalizing phenomenal consciousness is to make the project itself feasible. The ...

    Strict-Weak Languages. An Analysis of Strict Implication 

    Bou Moliner, Félix (Date of defense: 2004-10-01)

    Esta tesis doctoral introduce los aquí llamados lenguajes estricto-débiles, y los analiza desde diversos puntos de vista. Los lenguajes estricto débiles son aquellos lenguajes formales que constan de conjunción, disyunción, ...

    The Literal Meaning of Definite Descriptions 

    Moldovan, Andrei (Date of defense: 2015-04-24)

    This thesis focuses on the semantics of definite descriptions (DDs). In chapter 1 I introduce a framework for doing compositional semantics for natural language that follows Heim and Kratzer (1998) and Fintel and Heim ...

    The Semantics of Implicit Content 

    Zeman, Dan Cristian (Date of defense: 2011-04-26)

    The main aim of the thesis is to give a semantic account of implicit content – the kind of content that plays a crucial role in implicit communication. Implicit communication is a species of communication in which a speaker ...

    The World As I Found It. A Subjectivist Metaphysics of the Mental 

    Merlo, Giovanni (Date of defense: 2015-06-01)

    The first part of this thesis articulates and defends the Subjectivist View of the Mental. According to this view, my mental states are essentially different from the mental states of everyone else, but the fact that they ...

    Topological dualities and completions for (distributive) partially ordered sets 

    González, Luciano J. (Date of defense: 2015-09-17)

    This PhD thesis is the result of our research on duality theory and completions for partially ordered sets. A first main aim of this dissertation is to propose different kind of topological dualities for some classes of ...