Ara mostrant els elements 241-260 de 292

    Sentiment induction for attention and lexicon regularized neural sentiment analysis: improving aspect-based neural sentiment analysis with lexicon enhancement, attention regularization and sentiment induction 

    Bao, Lingxian (Data de defensa: 2021-11-11)

    Deep neural networks as an end-to-end approach lacks flexibility and robustness from an application point of view, as one cannot easily adjust the network to fix an obvious problem, especially when new training data is ...

    Sintaxi i semàntica verbals en el discurs d'especialitat: elements per a l'activació del valor terminològic 

    Joan Casademont, Anna (Data de defensa: 2008-03-27)

    La tesi, en el marc de la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT), es proposa observar els elements d'activació del valor terminològic en els verbs fraseològics del discurs especialitzat. Es descriuen, a diferents ...

    Síntesis del habla con emociones en el dominio de las conversaciones virtuales 

    Laplaza Miras, Yesika (Data de defensa: 2013-12-13)

    Esta tesis, al centrarse en la generación de voz sintética en el dominio de las conversaciones virtuales en español, trata dos aspectos diferentes del proceso de la conversión de texto en habla: Por un lado, parte de ...

    La Societat Maonesa (1778-1785) i les traduccions a Menorca al segle XVIII 

    Gornés Gomis, Rosa (Data de defensa: 2023-06-07)

    L’objecte d’estudi d’aquesta tesi doctoral és la Societat Maonesa (1778-1785), entitat cultural, amb seu a Maó, fundada per intel·lectuals de la burgesia de Menorca durant el segon període de la dominació britànica ...

    The Structural and functional organization of the language network in non- or minimally verbal autism spectrum disorders 

    Slušná, Dominika (Data de defensa: 2022-03-31)

    Language impairment forms a broader spectrum in humans than current diagnostic labels such as specific language impairment suggest. This thesis is about language capacities at the neglected bottom end of severity across ...

    Structural language change in Alzheimer's disease: a study of spontaneous speech tasks across different stages of cognitive impairment 

    Chapin, Kayla (Data de defensa: 2023-06-30)

    Linguistic characteristics of spontaneous connected speech are showing increasing potential for detecting and tracking cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, and could be particularly suitable to study at-risk populations ...

    Subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing in Spain: a study on media accessibility, accessibility studies and the standard UNE 153010:2012 

    Cepak, Roberta (Data de defensa: 2022-01-31)

    This study examines the opinions of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and hearers of Spain with regards to the subtitling services currently offered by the Spanish Digital Television, with the aim of integrating them in a list ...

    Tailoring dependency models to NLP tasks 

    Kolz, Benjamin (Data de defensa: 2016-04-22)

    Currently available dependency structures differ significantly in the linguistic criteria they are based on, but are not always adequate for their later use in natural language processing tasks. This dissertation analyses ...

    Tan lejos, tan cerca: la traducción y circulación de literatura latinoamericana en China 

    Chen, Yehua (Data de defensa: 2020-01-28)

    Esta tesis investiga los criterios y mecanismos aplicados para la selección textual en la traducción de la literatura latinoamericana al chino y la imagen sobre América Latina que se ha construido por su producción literaria, ...

    Television dialogue and subtitling: a corpus-driven study of police procedurals 

    Arias Badia, Blanca (Data de defensa: 2017-07-10)

    The specialised literature has suggested the intermediate position of television dialogue and subtitling along the continuum from spoken to written language (e.g. Díaz-Cintas 2003; Quaglio 2009; Forchini 2012). This ...

    Terminologia i implantació : anàlisi d'alguns factors que influencien l'ús dels termes normalitzats de la informàtica i les TIC en llengua catalana 

    Montané March, M. Amor (Data de defensa: 2012-12-11)

    En aquesta tesi es duu a terme una anàlisi de la implantació de la terminologia en l’ús amb l’objectiu de trobar les causes que expliquen l’èxit o el fracàs de les propostes denominatives. Partim de la premissa que existeix ...

    Terminology planning evaluation: the case of Persian language 

    Fathi, Besharat (Data de defensa: 2017-09-15)

    The strategic importance of terminology planning, its complexities, and implementation of the policies have been tackled in the literature from distinct points of views. The diversity of discussions and methodologies ...

    Textos especialitzats i variació vertical: la diversitat terminològica com a factor discriminant del nivell d'especialització d'un text 

    Domènech Bagaria, Ona (Data de defensa: 2006-04-28)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral es proposa contribuir a la delimitació del nivell d'especialitat d'un text a partir de l'anàlisi quantitativa de la terminologia que conté, amb la voluntat, d'una banda, de contribuir a l'estudi i ...

    Textual and interpersonal pragmatic markers in full- and semi-English- medium instruction: their acquisition and the impact of learners' motivational profiles 

    Ament, Jennifer (Data de defensa: 2018-11-06)

    This doctoral dissertation has three main aims: firstly, to investigate the acquisition of pragmatic markers (PMs); secondly, to investigate the effect of either full- or semi-English-medium instruction (EMI) course on ...

    Thai TV series brought to Spanish-speaking audiences: a study of fansubbing practices 

    Leksawat, Animmarn (Data de defensa: 2023-01-16)

    This thesis investigates the complexities of the fansubbing of Thai TV series into Spanish as a representative case of two underexplored areas in Translation Studies: non-professional translation and pivot translation. ...

    The construction of expert knowledge in popular management literature 

    Lischinsky, Alon (Data de defensa: 2008-11-27)

    Esta tesis estudia, desde una perspectiva crítica, cómo el conocimiento experto y la autoridad del autor se construyen y legitiman a través de la estructura discursiva de los libros populares sobre gestión de empresas ...

    The Development of Oral Fluency and Rhythm during a Study Abroad Period 

    Valls Ferrer, Margalida (Data de defensa: 2011-09-09)

    The present study examines the development of L2 fluency and rhythm in the extemporaneous speech of advanced EFL learners during a study abroad (SA) period, and the relationship between utterance fluency and rhythm and ...

    The integration of prosody and gesture in early intentional communication 

    Esteve Gibert, Núria (Data de defensa: 2014-09-12)

    This dissertation comprises four experimental studies which investigate the way infants integrate prosody and gesture for intentional communicative purposes. As adult speakers we automatically integrate prosody and gestures ...

    The meaning of space in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Reference, specificity and structure in signed discourse 

    Barberà Altimira, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2012-04-20)

    This thesis concerns the use of sign space in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) at the discourse level. I argue that non-descriptive locations are established in the three spatial planes and I describe the grammatical features ...

    The Role of human reference translation in machine translation evaluation 

    Fomicheva, Marina (Data de defensa: 2017-07-18)

    Both manual and automatic methods for Machine Translation (MT) evaluation heavily rely on professional human translation. In manual evaluation, human translation is often used instead of the source text in order to avoid ...