Now showing items 210-229 of 292

    Paràmetres per a una taxonomia de la subtitulació 

    Bartoll, Eduard (Date of defense: 2008-06-27)

    La tesi «Paràmetres per a una taxonomia de la subtitulació» identifica tots els diferents tipus de subtítols existents i dissenya una taxonomia per a ordenar de manera sistemàtica tota la casuística de paràmetres classificatoris ...

    Pattern-based automatic induction of domain adapted resources for social media analysis 

    Vázquez Suárez, Silvia (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    In this dissertation, we analyze different aspects of the language used in texts published along different social media, and we propose a set of methods for the automatic extraction of polar adjectives as well as for the ...

    Perceived foreign accent and comprehensibility in the oral production of adolescent learners of English : study abroad vs. at home learning contexts 

    Río San Román, Carmen del (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)

    The aim of the present research study is to examine the contrasting effects of two learning contexts, study abroad (SA) vs. at home (AH), on the language development of Spanish adolescent learners of English. It focuses ...

    Person and number in Catalan Sign Language pronouns 

    Veiga Busto, Raquel (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    Languages use different resources to specify the numerosity of the referents and to denote the speech act participants. This thesis describes the morphophonological strategies used in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) personal ...

    Phrase table expansion for statistical machine translation with reduced parallel corpora: the Chinese-Spanish case 

    Han, Jingyi (Date of defense: 2017-12-13)

    Parallel data scarcity problem is a major challenge faced by Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). The aim of this thesis is to enrich a SMT system by adding more morphological variants and new translation lexicon ...

    A Phraseological multi-discipline approach to vocabulary selection for English for academic purposes 

    Rees, Geraint Paul (Date of defense: 2018-04-16)

    This study is motivated by concerns about the adequacy of current corpus-based methods for the selection of vocabulary in studies of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) lexis. It is hypothesised that lists of general-academic ...

    Pluricentric dubbing in French and Spanish: the translation of linguistic variation and prefabricated orality in films 

    Trencia, Pascale (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    El present estudi examina com es tradueix el discurs fílmic, especialment els elements marcadors de la variació lingüística, al francès i al castellà, dues llengües pluricèntriques, és a dir, llengües que tenen més d’un ...

    Polar interrogatives in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): a comprehensive grammatical analysis 

    Cañas Peña, Sara (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    This thesis provides a morphosyntactic description of polar questions and a pragmatic analysis of biased questions in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Polar questions in LSC are obligatorily marked with a specific combination of ...

    Political discourse during the European economic crisis: epistemic stance and legitimizing strategies in Greek political discourse (2010-2012) 

    Polymeneas, Georgios-Alexandros (Date of defense: 2018-11-09)

    This study presents a multidisciplinary framework for the analysis of evidential meaning in the Greek political discourse during the period of the current European debt crisis, and moving beyond a mere content analysis it ...

    Posicionamiento epistémico actitudinal en artículos de opinión y comentarios en línea: formas verbales y valores asociados 

    Battaglia, Gaetano Natale (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    El estudio analiza las evaluaciones modales, evidenciales y actitudinales del hablante ante un estado de cosas con el fin de explicar el proceso de formación de la evaluación a partir de la fuente de la actitud del hablante ...

    Post-editing effort and linguistically motivated evaluation of machine translation 

    Álvarez Vidal, Sergi (Date of defense: 2021-09-28)

    The recent improvements in neural MT (NMT) have driven a shift from statistical MT (SMT) to NMT, which has propelled the use of post-editing (PE) in translation workflows. However, many professional translators state ...

    Prácticas y discurso de los derechos humanos en Colombia: análisis de la correspondencia entre la Red Italiana de Solidaridad y el Gobierno colombiano del 2002 al 2006 

    Biffi, Natalia (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    En esta tesis se analizan algunas operaciones discursivas que articulan el discurso de los derechos humanos en Colombia y las representaciones que emergen de éste. Tiene como objetivo principal describir la interacción y ...

    Prensa y protesta social: la representación del Caso Atenco en La Jornada 

    Colorado Ruiz, César Rogelio (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    Desde una perspectiva discursiva, en esta tesis se analiza la representación de la protesta social en la prensa. El estudio se delimita a mostrar el modo en que La Jornada, un periódico de izquierda mexicano, realizó la ...

    Preschoolers' pragmatic development: how prosody and gesture lend a helping hand 

    Hübscher, Iris (Date of defense: 2018-06-27)

    While previous research on language development has highlighted the facilitating role of gesture (mainly deictic gesture) in children’s early access to meaning, little is known about the possible facilitating role of prosody ...

    La presencia de l’L1 en el treball en grup per part d’aprenents adults d’alemany/LE de nivel avançat des d’una perpectiva sociocultural 

    Surribas Naval, Eva (Date of defense: 2011-07-14)

    El nostre treball de recerca té dues parts: una part teòrica inicial i l’estudi empíric que presentem a continuació. Obrim el bloc teòric amb un capítol dedicat a l’objecte d’estudi que centra la nostra investigació: la ...

    Presupposition projection and entailment relations 

    García Odón, Amaia (Date of defense: 2012-09-28)

    In this dissertation, I deal with the problem of presupposition projection. I mostly focus on compound sentences composed of two clauses and conditional sentences in which the second clause carries a presupposition. The ...

    Problemática textual e interaccional de la interpretación judicial entre el español y el chino en asuntos penales: Estudio descriptivo basado en casos reales 

    Chi, Huidong (Date of defense: 2021-07-22)

    Com pont de comunicació i eina de garantia processal, la interpretació judicial té un paper imprescindible en els processos penals en els quals es veuen involucrades persones que no comprenen la llengua de procediment. ...

    Procedimiento computarizado de evaluación dinámica en el uso de pruebas estandarizadas de comprensión lectora en Inglés como LE: un estudio de caso 

    Casart Quintero, Yris Claudia (Date of defense: 2021-02-11)

    Este estudio examina la incidencia de un procedimiento intervencionista de evaluación dinámica computarizado (EDC) en el uso de las pruebas de logro estandarizadas en un programa de lectura en inglés científico y técnico. ...

    Processing of sentential meaning: behavioural and electroencephalographic evidence in neurotypical and Williams syndrome adult populations 

    Soberats, Clara (Date of defense: 2023-09-26)

    Meaning in any naturalistic utterance has a dual aspect: one is lexical-semantic memory, which enters into utterances in the form of words that we remember and retrieve; the other is the specific kind of meaning carried ...

    Prosodic systems in contact: Occitan and French 

    Sichel-Bazin, Rafèu (Date of defense: 2015-06-17)

    Occitan and French are two Gallo-Romance languages that have been in a diglossic situation in Southern France for centuries. Couched in an Autosegmental-Metrical framework, the present thesis analyzes the prosody of ...