Now showing items 31-50 of 68

    Instabilities in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids 

    Torralba Cuello, Mireia (Date of defense: 2007-04-26)

    [spa] Durante la tesis se realizó un estudio experimental de inestabilidades hidrodinámicas en dos sistemas muy diferentes. Estudiamos inestabilidades laterales en dedos de Saffaman-Taylor sujetos a dos tipos de ...

    Interface Dynamics in Two-dimensional Viscous Flows. 

    Pauné i Xuriguera, Eduard (Date of defense: 2002-11-15)

    The subject of this thesis is viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cells, or Hele-Shaw flows. We look for insights into the fundamental mechanisms<br/>underlying the physics of interface dynamics, which we hope will exhibit some ...

    Interplay between anisotropy and disorder in ferroelastics: structures and thermodynamics 

    Lloveras Muntané, Pol (Date of defense: 2010-06-15)

    [spa] Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del estudio de los efectos de inhomogeneidades en materiales funcionales, dentro de los cuales podemos citar a los materiales que presentan magnetoresistencia colosal, superconductores ...

    Josephson effect in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates 

    Melé Messeguer, Marina (Date of defense: 2013-07-12)

    In this thesis we study and characterize the behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates in a BJJ, using two different theoretical formalisms: the mean-field approximation (with the Gross-Pitaevskii equation) and many-body ...

    Magnetisme i estructura en aliatges funcionals = Magnetism and structure in functional alloys 

    González Alonso, David (Date of defense: 2014-04-25)

    Bé sigui el canvi de temperatura que experimenta un material a l’aplicar-li un camp magnètic en condicions adiabàtiques, o bé sigui el canvi d’entropia del material com a conseqüència de la modificació del camp magnètic en ...

    Many-body studies on atomic quantum systems 

    Mur Petit, Jordi (Date of defense: 2006-01-11)

    En aquesta tesi presentem un conjunt d'estudis sobre sistemes atòmics on els efectes quàntics són especialment destacats. Aquests estudis s'han dut a terme aplicant diverses tècniques de la física teòrica de molts ...

    Mechanical instabilities and dynamics of living matter. From single-cell motility to collective cell migration 

    Blanch Mercader, Carles (Date of defense: 2015-03-04)

    The thesis belongs to the field of biophysicis, in particular we evaluate from a physicial perspective biological processes that occur at the celular and multicelular scales involving collective phenomena of self-organization. ...

    Mechano–chemical study of rotatory molecular motors 

    Pérez Carrasco, Rubén (Date of defense: 2013-02-04)

    Cells are the minimum unit of life. They are born, they eat, the may grow, they may move, and, eventually, they die. By contrast, from a physicist point of view, cells are systems out of equilibrium continuously transducing ...

    Model d'Ising amb camps aleatoris: propietats i aplicacions 

    Illa i Tortós, Xavier (Date of defense: 2007-01-23)

    S:<br/><br/>L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és aprofundir en l'estudi dels models microscòpics que permeten estudiar la histèresi. Aquest fenomen està present en moltes àrees de la física i ha despertat l'interès de ...

    New Physics in the Electroweak Sector Under Scrutiny at LHC 

    Rosa Agostinho, Nuno Filipe (Date of defense: 2019-10-17)

    For more than half a century, colliders have been in the forefront of studying the Standard Model (SM) predictions. The pinnacle of both SM and colliders occurred when on July the 4th 2012, at CERN Large Hadron Collider, ...

    Noise, coherent activity and network structure in neuronal cultures 

    Gómez Orlandi, Javier (Date of defense: 2015-09-09)

    In this thesis we apply a multidisciplinary approach, based on statistical physics and complex systems, to the study of neuronal dynamics. We focus on understanding, using theoretical and computational tools, how collective ...

    Non-mesonic weak decay of hypernuclei in effective field theory 

    Pérez-Obiol Castañeda, Axel (Date of defense: 2014-02-11)

    In this thesis we have described the weak Lambda N to NN interaction, which is the main responsible for the decay of heavy hypernuclei, within the effective field theory (EFT) framework. The EFT is developed up to second ...

    Nonmesonic weak decay of Hypemuclei, The 

    Parreño Garcia, Assumpta (Date of defense: 1997-05-22)

    In single A hypernuclei, a A hyperon can occupy any orbital in the hypernucleus since it is free from the Pauli exclusion principle due to its additional quantum number strangeness. <br/><br/>Due to the Pauli blocking ...

    Nucleation and cavitation in liquid helium 

    Guilleumas, Montserrat (Date of defense: 1995-07-20)

    Las transiciones de fase no siempre ocurren bajo condiciones de equilibrio. Un fluido puede ser conducido a un estado metastable. A pesar de ser internamente estable, existe otra configuración con un potencial termodinámico ...

    On Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmologies in non-standard gravity 

    Sáez Gómez, Diego (Date of defense: 2011-03-31)

    [spa] El proyecto de tesis está enfocado en el estudio de la evolución del Universo y más concretamente en la explicación del mecanismo que produce su actual expansión acelerada, y que probablemente sea el mismo que ha ...

    On the origin of masses at the LHC 

    González Fraile, Juan (Date of defense: 2014-09-05)

    In this thesis we present several studies on the origin of masses at the LHC. First we study the indirect effects of new physics on the couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson and on the electroweak symmetry ...

    Oscillatory pipe flow of wormlike micellar solutions 

    Casanellas Vilageliu, Laura (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    Wormlike micelles are viscoelastic fluids that present an intermediate behavior between solids and ordinary liquids since they are elastic at short time scales but flow easily at large time scales. In opposition to Newtonian ...

    Parton Distribution Functions for Precision LHC Phenomenology 

    Cerutti, Francesco (Date of defense: 2013-07-16)

    The main problematics related to the determination of a set of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) are presented and, after a brief discussion on different strategies adopted by other groups to address them, the NNPDF ...

    Pattern formation through lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling 

    Formosa Jordan, Pau (Date of defense: 2013-04-29)

    Multicellular organisms are constituted by different kinds of cells which are arranged in a particular way, forming tissues with specific functions. The organization of these different cells can give rise to regular ...

    Physico-chemical aspects on molecular motors 

    Ciudad Álvarez, Aleix (Date of defense: 2008-05-15)

    [eng] The discovery of molecular motors was not a single and isolated event but a set of gradual approaches from microscopic to nanoscopic systems. For example, the knowledge of the activity of muscle cells is pretty old, ...