Adopción de estándares de gestión energética e integración con estándares de gestión medioambiental 

    Laskurain Iturbe, Iker (Date of defense: 2015-05-26)

    Se trata de una Tesis Doctoral realizada en la modalidad de Tesis Doctoral por artículos, con el objetivo de analizar, en una perspectiva comparada con relación a los Sistemas de Gestión Medioambiental, qué son y qué ...

    Anàlisi d'escenaris i tendències en l'àmbit de la gestió mediambiental a la indústria catalana 

    Giménez Leal, Gerusa (Date of defense: 2001-10-19)

    Actualment, la indústria afronta el repte d'integrar les consideracions mediambientals en els seus plans de negoci. I no tan sols pel compromís ètic vers una correcta actuació mediambiental, sinó pel fet de que els clients ...

    Evaluación de materiales compuestos por inyección a partir de fibras procedentes de la biomasa de maíz (Zea mays L.) y polipropileno 

    Rodríguez Monteagudo, Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    The present PhD work has been done within the research topics of the Laboratory of Paper Engineering and Polymer Materials (LEPAMAP) at the University of Girona. Composite materials from high yield corn biomass fibers ...

    From energy saving technologies to green product innovation: evidence from the European Manufacturing Survey 

    Pons Pairó, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-07-07)

    Green manufacturers and an understanding of their differentiating characteristics and environmental and economic performance when applying green practices are at the centre of this doctoral thesis. The focus is set around ...

    Technological innovations for sustainable change: a path to traceability 

    Gibovic, Denisa (Date of defense: 2024-02-19)

    In today's world, sustainability is paramount amid environmental and social challenges. Technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain offer innovative solutions, particularly in addressing global supply chain complexities, ...

    The environmental management systems as a tool for integrating the principles of the circular economy within manufacturing firms 

    Barón Dorado, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2023-04-11)

    This thesis analyses the contribution of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)'s in adopting Circular Economy (CE) principles in manufacturing companies. It explores different aspects such as the reporting and communication ...

    Wind power supply chain: relevant aspects related to manufacturing and quality management 

    Castelló i Dalmau, Jordi (Date of defense: 2018-06-21)

    In recent years, supply chain management (SCM) has become of great importance as nowadays not only are businesses competing with each other, but so too are suppliers. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse some ...