Now showing items 206-209 of 209

    Vivienda y ciudad, un único proyecto : la unidad vecinal Exequiel González Cortés, 1960-1964 

    Becerra Ibáñez, José Alejandro (Date of defense: 2016-01-18)

    Durant el segle XX, en l'eix de recerca de l'habitatge i la seva relació amb la ciutat, adquireixen protagonisme els models urbans que afronten la dimensió col·lectiva del projecte residencial, a partir de les formes ...

    La voluntad moderna en la vivienda unifamiliar : Caracas 1945-1965 

    Campos Arévalo, María Antonia (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    The first political trame of the Venezuela urban history, established by "La Comisión Municipal de Urbanismo"in 1937;"La Dirección de Urbanismo","El Plan Monumental de Caracas' in 1939 and the 1952 and 1954 Caracas planimetry ...

    Vom Bau der Kirche : formulazioni teoriche e strategie compositive di Rudolf Schwarz 

    Drago, Samuel Joseph (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    Despite Rudolf Schwarz is one of the leading figures of contemporary architecture, he is also one of the lesser-known both in his country and outside. However, to quote the words of Mies van der Rohe, the baumeister ...

    Wladimiro Acosta y la vivienda colectiva (1928 - 1935) : su aporte a la innovación arqueológica y tipológica en América Latina 

    Ranzini, Marcelo (Date of defense: 2015-07-21)

    VVladimiro Acosta (WA) was a Russian architect with centro-european modem studies. His moving to Latin America in 1928 he meant one of the most significant contributions to Argentinian architecture. Since his arrival until ...