Now showing items 31-50 of 80

    Contribución al desarrollo de una metodología de diseño para la fabricación con tecnologías aditivas de piezas con alta variabilidad de demanda 

    Morales Planas, Sergio (Date of defense: 2019-04-09)

    This thesis is the result of collaboration between the university (UPC) and the company (Fluidra SA) within the framework of the program of industrial doctorates of the agency AGAUR (Agencia de Gestión de Ayudas Universitarias ...

    Contribución al estudio de la rugosidad superficial obtenida mediante el proceso de fresado en alta velocidad, en la fase de acabado, de aceros templados de moldes y matrices 

    Ortiz Marzo, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    The production of components of the moulds and dies sector is increasingly demanding. On the one hand, a better manufacturing quality is required, that requires, among other aspects, the improvement of the surface finish, ...

    Contribución al estudio de las vibraciones producidas por el contacto rueda-carril y su transmisión al entorno 

    Otero Yugat, Jesús (Date of defense: 2010-02-11)

    La principal causa de las vibraciones generadas por la circulación de un tren reside en el contacto rueda-carril, concretamente en las fluctuaciones de la fuerza de contacto provocadas por las irregularidades del perfil ...

    Contributions to aerostructures morphing with piezoelectric actuators 

    Arnau Cubillo, Albert (Date of defense: 2020-04-03)

    Since the first models developed in the late 19th century, the applications of piezoelectric materials have been progressively growing in number. The capacity of these materials to couple electric and mechanic fields makes ...

    Control strategies for exoskeleton gait training after stroke: understanding the importance of parameter tuning 

    Miguel Fernández, Jesús de (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) The control strategies implemented in exoskeletons play a crucial role in determining the interaction between the device and user. However, it is unclear what is the most suitable control strategy and settings ...

    Desenvolupament i Caracterització d'un Accionament Rotatiu per a les Potes d'un Robot Caminador. Estudi de l'Eficiència Energètica 

    Roca Enrich, Joan (Date of defense: 2006-02-10)

    Els robots caminadors presenten alguns avantatges respecte als tradicionals robots mòbils amb rodes, que es resumeixen en major mobilitat i capacitat de superació d'obstacles. Un dels principals problemes actuals en el ...

    Detection of failure mechanisms of tool steels by means of acoustic emission technique 

    Martínez González, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-01-30)

    This thesis is focused on the calibration of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique to detect and identify damage mechanisms in tool steels. The AE measurement procedure has been calibrated for two mechanical tests: fracture ...

    Direct current insulator based dielectrophoresis (DC-iDEP) microfluidic chip for blood plasma separation 

    Mohammadi, Mahdi (Date of defense: 2015-04-10)

    Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) integrated microfluidics has been a powerful tool for new developments in analytical chemistry. These microfluidic systems enable the miniaturization, integration and automation of complex biochemical ...

    El Transport urbà de superfície: generació d'una xarxa d'autobusos i llur assignació a les línies 

    Roselló i Molinari, Xavier (Date of defense: 1977-05-20)

    La tesi descriu dos algorismes relatius al transport públic que actuen en sèrie. El primer genera una xarxa d'autobusos urbans entesa com a un conjunt de línies o be en modifica una de ja existent de forma que minimitzi ...

    Electroplastic cutting influence in machining processes 

    Hameed, Saqib (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    The thesis presented is performed with the aim of studying the effect of electropulses (EPs) in machining processes such as drilling and round turning processes for different materials. When the EPs of short duration are ...

    Electropulsing to assist conventional manufacturing processes 

    Sánchez Egea, Antonio José (Date of defense: 2016-01-26)

    This thesis presents a study on the variation of the mechanical properties of some materials. These variations are registered for processes as bottom bending, wire drawing or round turning, which are performed under high ...

    Estabilización de suelos con bacterias Sporosarcina pasteurii 

    Ivanova Téneva, Elitsa (Date of defense: 2020-02-28)

    This thesis has been focused on optimizing the resistent capacity and reducing the permeability of fine and clay granular soils through the MICP (Microbiologically induced calcite precipitation). MICP is a natural biological ...

    Estudi de la influència de la configuració geomètrica dels dentats sobre la capacitat de càrrega dels engranatges rectes. 

    Riba i Romeva, Carles (Date of defense: 1976-07-08)

    A partir de la invenció dels mètodes de generació (finals del segle XIX) i de la posterior posta a punt de les màquines adequades per a utilitzar-los, el dentat cicloïdal ha estat progressivament substituït pel dentat ...

    Estudi del mecanisme d'autoexcitació de bisell en el domini temporal 

    Puig Ortiz, Joan (Date of defense: 2006-05-16)

    La tesi "Estudi del mecanisme d'autoexcitació de bisell en el domini temporal" és un treball de recerca centrat en l'estudi dels instruments musicals que utilitzen el mecanisme de bisell per generar el so. L'objectiu de ...

    Estudio de la energía específica consumida en el rectificado 

    Nápoles Alberro, Amelia (Date of defense: 2019-09-10)

    To contribute in the increase of the productivity and to the energetic saving in companies, the present thesis focuses the investigation on the process of grinding. The energetic efficiency grinding one depends on the ...

    Estudio del ángulo de presión y de la presión de contacto en mecanismos leva palpador cuya ley de desplazamiento se diseña por curvas de Bézier 

    Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto (Date of defense: 2005-06-29)

    La tesis ha centrado su estudio en los mecanismos de leva con palpador circular de traslación por ser éstos ampliamente utilizados en la industria actual. Para el diseño de la ley de desplazamiento se utiliza curvas de ...

    Estudio del coeficiente de rigidez y de amortiguación de una suspensión neumática multicámara 

    Río Cano, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-04-20)

    Heavy vehicles are generally equipped with Shock Absorber Suspension Cylinders, which, in addition to integrating in the same element, the damping and suspension mechanism, allow obtaining greater suspension travels, ...

    Estudio del comportamiento vibratorio de vías ferroviarias mediante simulación numérica 

    Zougari, Ayoub (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    In the last decades, the problem of the vibrations and the noise generated by the rolling and the undulatory wear has been approached by multiple research groups. These groups have developed studies with the intention of ...

    Estudio del mecanizado asistido por vibración 

    Flórez García, Luís Carlos (Date of defense: 2020-09-09)

    The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of assisted vibration, VAM, in the process of turning steel. Initially, the surface finish generated in a lathe displacement is studied utilizing a geometric intersection ...

    Estudio del proceso de bruñido con bola asistido por una vibración 

    Gómez Gras, Giovanni (Date of defense: 2015-04-17)

    The aim of this thesis is studying and characterizing a ball burnishing process assisted with vibrations. By introducing vibrations in the overall process, results are enhanced if compared to the ones derived from a ...