Now showing items 41-60 of 70

    Los Teatros del desierto: produccion del espacio durante el ciclo del salitre Chile 1830-1979 

    Prado Díaz, Luis Alberto (Date of defense: 2012-09-19)

    In the last decade of the 20th century, profound social and urban changes took place in the ports of Iquique and Pisagua, in northern Chile. This meant the advent of a new mindset which was modern, liberal and marked by ...

    Teatros anatómicos: Padua, Barcelona y París: la conciencia del cuerpo en la arquitectura 

    Galeno Ibaceta, Claudio (Date of defense: 2012-11-07)

    La historia de la conciencia del cuerpo en la arquitectura y las artes, desde los asclepeiones griegos hasta los hospitales modernos, fue consolidada por la investigación anatómica y desarrollada con mayor precisión en ...

    Arquitecturas matéricas 

    Trías de Bes, Juan (Date of defense: 2013-05-15)

    The "Material Architectures" PhD thesis is comprised of five parts: 1- An introduction to the formulation and the objective of the PhD thesis . I.e. an interrogarion of the qualities of Matter in the configuration of Form ...

    El branding de ciudad: la promoción del modelo Barcelona y su proyección como marca 

    García García de León, Aurora (Date of defense: 2013-06-17)

    The proposed thesis forms part of the Barcelona model critical analysis frorn a perspective that considers its theoretical formulation and interprets its diffusion, and the role that architecture and tourism play in ...

    Aleix Clapés (1846-1920) y Manuel Sayrach (1886-1937) : en los márgenes del modernismo 

    Lupercio Cruz, Carlos (Date of defense: 2013-07-03)

    The thesis shows the first monographs of Aleix Clapés and Manuel Sayrach, two important individuals of Catalonian culture, whose works were developed between 1880 and 1937; a long period which saw many importan historical ...

    Arquitectura palimpsest (Versalles l'any 1701) 

    Faura Coll, Ramon (Date of defense: 2013-07-25)

    The thesis investigates the ideological and historical sense of an architecture based on change. Louis XIVs Palace of Versailles provides the thematic framework and serves as the object of investigation. The time frame is ...

    La costruzione politica e architettonica del centro storico di Barcellona, 1979-2011 

    Scarnato, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2013-09-25)

    The research deals with the historic center of Barcelona between 1979 and 2011. The period is marked by a continuity of government unique in democratic systems, which has allowed the development of almost complete ...

    Agua y forma urbana en la América precolombina: el caso del Cusco como centro del poder inca. 

    Beltrán-Caballero, José Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    El origen y desarrollo de algunas de las culturas preindustriales más importantes del mundo se basó en la aplicación de estrategias sostenibles para la gestión de los recursos hidráulicos. La investigación en el siglo XX ...

    Espais latents : pràctiques artístiques contemporànies vers un urbanisme crític = Latent spaces : contemporary practices in art towards a critical urbanism 

    Serra Permanyer, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-02-03)

    Aquesta tesi explora les formes d’intervenció a l’espai urbà que relacionen l’art amb la transformació de les ciutats contemporànies. L’examen de diverses formes de creació emergents permet descobrir, a través del camp ...

    Pensar la distancia, pensar a distancia : Juan Borchers, viaje y obra (1947-1950) 

    Maino Ansaldo, Sandro (Date of defense: 2014-02-27)

    This thesis presents the effects of the distance of separation from sources of Western Culture --European and Mediterranean -- in the learning process of the modern Chilean architect, and the approach toward them through ...

    Espacio y empatía en "I Tatti" : el utillaje conceptual de la crítica de la arquitectura después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial 

    Martínez Martínez, Raúl (Date of defense: 2014-05-02)

    This thesis belongs to the field of the history of architectural theory and criticism. lt focuses on an innovative architectural analysis and design method which was first introduced in the Anglo-American tradition by the ...

    A praça é o povo : intenção, projeto e multidão na arquitetura de Fábio Moura Penteado 

    Giroto, Ivo Renato (Date of defense: 2014-05-27)

    A presente tese analisa a obra do arquiteto paulista Fábio Penteado sob um eixo analítico predefinido, estruturado ao redor do conceito de multidão – ente s ocial que o arquiteto frequentemente evocava ao explicar a razão ...

    El proyecto arquitectónico y su espacio de inscripción 

    Papidou, Theodora (Date of defense: 2014-06-04)

    The present doctoral thesis on the theory of architectural design originates in the study of the written traces of design. As the first records of architectural design, lines and words encapsulate a type of thought that ...

    L'immagine della città del futuro nella letteratura distopica della prima metà del '900 

    Porretta, Daniele (Date of defense: 2014-07-04)

    The contemporary city, threatened by uncontrolled population growth and the rapid increase of poverty, is not the only possible scenario for future wars and ecological collapse but seems also to have become the catalyst ...

    Literatura y arquitectura en el cambio de siglo : diversidad de lo moderno 

    Fuster Martí, Albert (Date of defense: 2014-07-07)

    The thesis proposes an analysis of the relationship between literature and architecture at the turn of 19th to 20th century. From the verification of the importance of literature and reading in the period previous to ...

    Hacia la ciudad inclusiva. Prácticas sociales urbanas en Barcelona, 1969-1979. 

    Magro Huertas, Maria Tania (Date of defense: 2014-07-15)

    The deterioration of the living environment, urban segregation, the lack of community and local identity, homelessness and lack of living spaces or the impossibility of a collective construction of the habitat have aroused ...

    La dramaturgia del espacio : una lectura de los Shakespeares del Teatre Lliure (1977-2007) 

    Dias, Marina Simone (Date of defense: 2014-08-29)

    The thesis makes a tour on the shakespearian theatrical creations made at the Teatre Lliure in the last thirty years (1977-2007), offering a vision of their stage poetic, and studying the interrelationships between the ...

    De la calle a la alfombra : un espacio abierto en Bogotá. 

    Urrea Uyabán, Tatiana (Date of defense: 2014-12-17)

    Torres del Parque Residential Complex was designed and created by Colombian architect, Rogelio Salmona, of french descent. The complex was built in the 1960s in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. Here and then, the influence ...

    El valor simbòlic de la geometria a la tradició constructiva medieval de la península Ibèrica 

    Dorado Ladera, Esther (Date of defense: 2015-04-20)

    The aim of this thesis is to reveal the crucial importance of geometry in the work of medieval builders and artisans, and to evaluate its symbolic significance and its capacity for spreading knowledge. In order to do so, ...

    L’architettura americana cerca una identità : 1932-1948 

    Russo Spena, Raffaella (Date of defense: 2015-09-23)

    The thesis analyses the debate on the architecture of the European Modern Movement that took place in the United States during the period between the two world wars. With regard to this debate, which not only involved those ...