A statistichal equilibrium perspective on corporate profitability 

    Mundt, Philipp (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    The thesis shows how the dynamics a large pool of publicly traded firms can be meaningful described by a single stochastic equation under statistical equilibrium approximation. The whole dynamics of profitability of the ...

    Agent-based simulation of macroeconomic systems 

    Pulcini, Cinzia (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    In this Doctoral thesis we use an Agent- Based Model (ABM) to analyze variables and dynamics of the economy, building a complex system that is very close to the real world behavior. The main aims of the research are ...

    An analysis of the relationship between Economic Growth and the Environment: consequences on Climate Change and Sustainable Development 

    Mendoza Lemes, Yurena (Date of defense: 2015-01-29)

    Greenhouse gases are emitted locally around the different countries in the world, but their negative effects, resulting in the very worrying climate change, are an international problem since the fight to reduce them ...

    Approaching Complex Credit-Driven Economies From The Bottom Up: An Agent-Based Model for Open Economies And An Empirical Study on Loans’ Distribution 

    Petrovic, Marko (Date of defense: 2017-11-03)

    In this thesis we use methodologies that are grounded on a ``bottom-up'' approach, denoting the importance of considering the emergence of the aggregate economic behavior from the interaction of heterogeneous economic ...

    Consumer's Behavior under Different Economic Scenarios: Willingness to Bargain, Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Buy 

    Parasyri, Despoina (Date of defense: 2017-03-17)

    El objeto de estudio y nexo de unión entre estos distintos trabajos que están presentados en los siguientes capítulos, queda perfectamente reflejado en el título de la tesis “Comportamiento de los consumidores en diferentes ...

    Cross-border banking and the importance of parents banks' performance for subsidiaries' credit extensions: evidence derived from a newly constructed database 

    Zagorisiou, Angeliki (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)

    The systemic role of foreign banks in the CESEE region coupled with the turbulence in financial markets back in 2008, have given rise to the study at hand. Some years after the global crisis, it is a perfect moment to ...

    El papel moderador del capital social en los flujos de información y conocimiento en los distritos industriales 

    Budí Orduña, Vicente (Date of defense: 2014-01-15)

    Este trabajo presenta la conexión entre cuatro aspectos claves en el desarrollo económico: los distritos industriales, el capital social y la capacidad para la innovación y la transmisión de conocimiento. El distrito ...

    Estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre actividad multiproducto y producción con economías de escala 

    Gatica Villarroel, Leonardo (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    Esta tesis es el resultado de la labor de investigación realizada en el ámbito de la Economía Industrial como parte de mis estudios de doctorado, cuyas actividades docentes, la Universidad Jaume I -dentro del programa de ...

    International trade and competitiveness in the Mediterranean region 

    Parra Robles, María Dolores (Date of defense: 2014-07-29)

    La tesis pretende analizar aspectos relacionados con la integración de los países mediterráneos en el contexto económico internacional, aspectos que resultan de especial interés para esta región puesto que son claves para ...

    International trade and production networks in the Western Balkan countries 

    Shimbov, Bojan (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    1. Propósito y objetivo de la investigación Desde la ruptura de la antigua Yugoslavia, a principios de los 1990, las economías en transición de los países de los Balcanes occidentales han experimentado reformas intensas ...

    Macro-prudential policy via network analysis 

    Provenzano, Giulia (Date of defense: 2017-09-11)

    The global financial crisis of 2007-2009 has demonstrated that the financial system should be regarded as a complex network whose nodes are financial institutions and links are financial dependencies. Since the financial ...

    On the emergence and sustainability of corruption: An experimental analysis 

    Jaber López, Tarek-Taher (Date of defense: 2015-07-08)

    En este trabajo estudiamos diferentes dimensiones del fenómeno de la corrupción.Debido a la dificultad que conlleva estudiar la corrupción, hemos escogido abordar este tema utilizando principalmente la metodología experimental.

    The economics and dynamics of resource wars 

    Serrano González, Emilia Belén (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    The twentieth century was a convulsive one in terms of wars, political conflicts and terrorism. Crime is now more international than it has ever been before. These days, geographical borders do not limit any war; conflicts ...

    Tres assajos sobre desenvolupament i medi ambient 

    Morales Lage, Rafael (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    La tesi consta de 3 assajos: El primer té com a objectiu analitzar quins factors de l'activitat econòmica determinen les emissions a l'atmosfera. El plantejament empíric es basa en la formulació estocàstica del model IPAT ...