Ara mostrant els elements 20775-20794 de 41897

    Hydrocarbons in the open ocean waters near the Galician Bank after the deep sea spill from the Prestige wrecks 

    Elordui-Zapatarietxe, Saioa (Data de defensa: 2009-06-03)

    Hoy en día existe una escasez de estudios sobre la distribución de los hidrocarburos en mar abierto, aunque el aumento de la explotación de yacimientos de petróleo y la intensificación del tráfico marítimo más allá de la ...

    Hydrodechlorination of chlorinated organic wastes over pd supported mixed oxide catalysts 

    Meshesha, Beteley Tekola (Data de defensa: 2011-07-01)

    Environmental pollution by polychlorinated chlorinated organic wastes is of great concern. Catalytic hydrodechlorination is considered clean and efficient methodology for safe disposal of chlorinated organic wastes. This ...

    Hydrodynamic and biochemical Computational Fluid Dynamic modelling of full-scale anaerobic digesters for wastewater treatment 

    Arnau Notari, María Rosario (Data de defensa: 2022-04-01)

    Anaerobic digestion is one of the most widely used biological treatments for the stabilisation of sewage sludge, but the effectiveness of the process depends on good mixing. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique ...

    Hydrodynamic characterisation of aquaculture tanks and design criteria for improving self-cleaning properties 

    Masaló Llorà, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2008-09-10)

    El propòsit del treball es caracteritzar hidrodinàmicament els tancs més utilitzats en el sector aqüícola, i donar pautes de disseny per millorar-ne l'autoneteja, i optimitzar l'eficiència d'utilització tant de l'espai com ...

    Hydrodynamic effects on active colloidal suspensions 

    Navarro Argemí, Eloy (Data de defensa: 2018-10-25)

    The goal of this thesis is studying hydrodynamic effects on active colloidal suspensions. Hydrodynamic interaction is propagated through the fluid in which the colloids displace due to the flow they create during their ...

    Hydrodynamic models of accretion onto rotating compact stars 

    Martín Rodríguez, José David (Data de defensa: 2023-07-07)

    (English) Hydrodynamic models are essential for our understanding of the physics of stellar explosions, and specifically, for their potential contribution to the Galactic chemical abundances. In this Work, a one-dimensional ...

    Hydrodynamic response of a shallow and microtidal estuary : Alfacs Bay. From high to low frequency processes 

    Cerralbo Peñarroya, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2015-07-24)

    Using both observations and modelling tools, it is investigated the main hydrodynamic response mechanisms of a microtidal and shallow bay in the Mediterranean Sea: Alfacs Bay. Main objectives are considered using differenttim ...

    Hydrodynamics and geochemistry at multiple scales : characterizing preferential flow-paths and wormholes in evaporitic sediments 

    Trabucchi, Michela (Data de defensa: 2021-05-11)

    The characterization of evaporitic aquifers for a better understanding of hydrodynamics and geochemical processes is of great importance, especially in environments where both the sustainability of unique ecosystems and ...

    Hydrodynamics of flat plates in cross-flow near the free surface 

    Satheesh, Sukruth (Data de defensa: 2019-03-19)

    Aquesta tesi presenta els resultats d'un estudi realitzat per comprendre l'efecte de la superfície lliure sobre les forces generades per una placa plana que es mou en un fluid estacionari, de manera que la superfície de ...

    Hydrodynamics of pitching foils: flexibility and ground effects 

    Fernández Prats, Rafael (Data de defensa: 2015-05-08)

    En termes de propulsió la rigidesa flexural i l'efecte terra en una placa rectangular en piteig pur han estat investigats. Velocimetria per imatges per partícules, mesures de forces i moments amb una cèl·lula de carga de ...

    The Hydroformylation Reaction: from Covalent to Supramolecular Approaches and Operando Kinetic Studies 

    Martínez Carrión, Alicia (Data de defensa: 2020-07-13)

    S’ha estudiat la hidrofomilació d΄al·lens 1,1΄-disubstituïts catalitzada per rodi, emprant lligands de tipus bisfosfit amb un centre de regulació allunyat del centre catalític. L'ús de sals de metalls alcalins de BArF com ...

    Hydrogel co-networks of gelatin methacryloyl and poly(ethylene glycol)diacrylate sustain 3D functional in vitro models of intestinal mucosa 

    Vila Giraut, Anna (Data de defensa: 2020-12-10)

    Conventional in vitro cell culture models do not possess the complexity that the native tissues offer. Because of this, the functional properties of the tissues are not properly mimicked, which causes poorly predictive ...

    Hydrogels based on short amphipathic peptides: self-assembly studies and apllications 

    Tena Solsona, Marta (Data de defensa: 2015-10-02)

    I. Tema y objetivos de la tesis Debido a la estrecha relación entre el auto-ensamblaje de péptidos y proteínas con las enfermedades de tipo amiloide,(1) entender los principios que gobiernan este fenómeno resulta de ...

    Hydrogen production from bioethanol using cobalt hydrotalcites 

    Espinal Bustos, Raúl Uziel (Data de defensa: 2013-12-20)

    Hydrogen constitutes a promising alternative to manage our energy supply more efficiently. Hydrogen can be stored and used in fuel cells to produce electricity, where it combines with the oxygen present in the air and ...

    Hydrogen production from wastewater in single chamber microbial electrolysis cells: studies towards its scaling-up 

    Montpart i Planell, Núria (Data de defensa: 2014-07-15)

    Les cel·les microbianes d’electròlisi (MEC) són sistemes biocatalitzats que ofereixen la possibilitat de valoritzar aigües residuals produint hidrogen, el qual és un bon vector energètic i un reactiu àmpliament utilitzat ...


    Miranda Morales, Bárbara Cristina (Data de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    La demanda de energía en el mundo va en aumento año a año. Los sistemas de producción y patrones de consumo actuales son insostenibles. Existe la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas formas de satisfacer no sólo, la demanda de ...

    A hydrogeological approach in urban underground infrastructures 

    Serrano Juan, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2016-07-22)

    The competition for space in urban areas due to an exponential growth of population makes derground engineering plays a crucial role in the development of cities. Urban underground infrastructures deal with variables such ...

    Hydrogeology of salt flats : the Salar de Atacama example 

    Marazuela Calvo, Miguel Ángel (Data de defensa: 2020-07-03)

    This thesis aims to advance the knowledge of the hydrogeological functioning of salt flats in order to achieve a sustainable management of their mineral resources and ecosystems. Salt flats are a major source of Li, B, I, ...

    Hydrogeophysics as a multidisciplinary tool on aquifer appraisal: Focus on AMT capabilities 

    Falgàs Parra, Ester (Data de defensa: 2007-10-26)

    The shallow subsurface of the earth is an extremely important geological zone that yields much of our water resources, supports our agriculture and ecosystems. Safe and effective management of our natural resources is a ...

    Hydrological alteration, critical swimming speed and life history in inland fish 

    Cano-Barbacil, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2022-11-18)

    Fresh waters are among the most biodiverse ecosystems globally but, at the same time, also the most threatened. Serious threats to freshwater ecosystems are, for example, habitat alteration, invasive alien species and ...