Now showing items 11174-11193 of 41890

    Drogas y psicofármacos: estudio de su presencia en el medio ambiente (aguas residuales, sedimentos y mejillones) y evaluación de su consumo e impacto 

    López García, Ester (Date of defense: 2021-01-27)

    En esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado tres metodologías analíticas para el análisis de drogas, psicofármacos y sus metabolitos en tres compartimentos medioambientales: aguas residuales, sedimentos y biota. Las ...

    Drogas, sexismo y deporte en el siglo XX. Las políticas antidopaje y de verificación del sexo en la España franquista (1940-1972) y sus relaciones internacionales 

    Font Noguerol, José Daniel (Date of defense: 2021-02-22)

    La implantació de la política antidopatge i de verificació del sexe en l’esport internacional va tenir un impacte negatiu en la vida personal i professional dels i les esportistes. Si bé les autoritats esportives ja van ...

    Drogues d’abús i fàrmacs en el medi aquàtic: Anàlisi, presencia i comportament 

    Boleda Vall-llovera, Mª Rosa (Date of defense: 2015-11-23)

    Les drogues d'abús i els fàrmacs estan considerats com contaminants d'interès emergent en el medi aquàtic, és a dir, són substàncies que no estan incloses en els programes habituals de control i monitorització d'aigües, ...

    Drogues en el medi aquàtic: de les aigües residuals a l’aigua potable 

    Huerta Fontela, Maria (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    La presencia de substàncies d’origen antropogènic en el medi aquàtic és un de les fites importants a les que actualment s’ha d’enfrontar la química ambiental. En la darrera dècada les drogues d’abús s’han sumat al conjunt ...

    Drone application for wildlife conservation in the Cerrado hotspot 

    Pires Mesquita, Geison (Date of defense: 2022-02-28)

    La tecnologia de drons, emergent al segle XXI, ha esdevingut una de les principals eines tecnològiques en el camp de la biologia de la conservació. Els estudis d’identificació, seguiment, anàlisi poblacional i comportament ...

    Droneopticon: privacy implications of civilian drones in the EU 

    Agarwal, Girish (Date of defense: 2021-05-17)

    Civilian drones are increasing in their use. One of the reasons for their rising popularity and increased use, is affordability. They are used for recreational photography, delivering medicines, dousing fire, spraying ...

    A dropout definition for continuance intention and effective re-enrolment models in online distance learning 

    Grau Valldosera, Josep (Date of defense: 2020-02-18)

    Aquesta recerca intenta trobar una definició d'abandonament (dropout) empírica i adaptada als estudiants de la UOC i, per extensió, potencialment adaptable a altres institucions d'aprenentatge a distància en línia. Hem fet ...

    Dropout, persistence, and retention on online higher education: The case of the Open University of Catalonia 

    Xavier, Marlon (Date of defense: 2023-04-23)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on student dropout in online higher education (OHE), with a focus on the experience of students and faculty at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). The thesis is presented as a compendium ...

    Drosophila CIC-a: A chloride channel required in the glial niche for neural development 

    Plazaola Sasieta, Haritz (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    The chloride channel ClCN2 is expressed in glia in the mature nervous system of vertebrates and some physiological functions have been proposed. In addition, human patients with mutations in the gene or dysfunction of the ...

    Drosophila UNR regulates dosage compensation through modulation of RNA-protein interactions 

    Militti, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-07-26)

    En Drosophila, el desequilibrio en cuanto al contenido de genes ligados al cromosoma X entre hembras (XX) y machos (XY) es corregido mediante la duplicación de la transcripción del único cromosoma X del macho. Este proceso, ...

    Drosophila UNR: a factor involved in the translational regulation of dosage compensation 

    Abaza, Irina (Date of defense: 2006-11-03)

    Dosage compensation is a mechanism that equalizes the expression of X-linked genes in those organisms in which males and females differ in the number of X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, dosage compensation is ...

    Drought and flash floods risk assessment methodology 

    Díaz Loaiza, Manuel Andrés (Date of defense: 2015-11-20)

    Floods and Drought are some of the most catastrophic natural disasters for humanity, averaging 1 to 5 billion dollar of annually damage for flood events and 6 to 8 billion dollars respectively for drought events. To avoid ...

    Drought variability and change across the Iberian Peninsula 

    Coll Benages, Joan Ramon (Date of defense: 2013-10-15)

    Drought variability and change is assessed in this study across the Iberian Peninsula along the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century using state of the art drought indices: the Sc-PDSI, the SPI and the ...

    Drought-induced die-off in Pinus sylvestris and Quercus ilex forests of Catalonia 

    Galianao Pérez, Lucía (Date of defense: 2012-03-07)

    Los crecientes episodios extremos de sequía asociados al cambio climático someten a los árboles a un fuerte estrés fisiológico que, ocasionalmente, los conduce a una rápida defoliación y a la muerte. En los últimos años, ...

    Drug consumption and stressful experiences in adolescent mice: behavioural, neorotoxic and neurochemical responses 

    Ros i Simó, Clara (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)

    Adolescence is a critical developmental period in which the brain emerges from an immature state to adulthood. This process of brain development is associated to greater cognitive capacity but also to altered emotional ...

    Drug delivery in photodynamic therapy: From pharmaceutics to animal testing 

    García Díaz, María (Date of defense: 2012-06-15)

    S'ha estudiat el desenvolupament de fotosensibilitzadors i la seva formulació en teràpia fotodinàmica. S'han caracteritzat les propietats fotofísiques dels fotosensibilitzadors porficènics. S'han proposat diferents estratègies ...

    Drug design at biological systems level 

    Remez Vinogradov, Nikita (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    The explosion of reductionist approaches at the end of the XXth century allowed for fast and high-throughput data collection in pharmaceutical industry, but did not deliver the expected gain in drug discovery performance. ...

    Drug development and immunological characterization of Acinetovax, a prophylactic vaccine against resistant nosocomial bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii 

    Berrio Íñigo, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-03-04)

    Aquesta tesi industrial tenia com a objectiu transferir la vacuna Acinetovax duna companyia biotecnològica a una companyia farmacèutica on pogués ser industrialitzada. Aquesta vacuna va ser desenvolupada per prevenir les ...

    Drug Discovery Targeted to Transthyretin Related Amyloidosis 

    Blasi Pérez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-02-27)

    Several drug discovery approaches has been performed to find new compounds able to interact with high affinity with the hormone binding site of the homotetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR), and stabilize this tetramer, ...

    Drug discovery with a FRET Biosensor of scaffolding interactions in the N-terminal region of c-Src = Descubrimiento de fármacos mediante un biosensor basado en FRET sensible a las interacciones en la región N-terminal de c-Src 

    Iruela Martin, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-09-16)

    c-Src tyrosine kinase is associated with poor prognosis in many cancer processes. Although inhibitors of c-Src kinase activity are known, they have not reached success in clinical trials because of lack of selectivity or ...