Now showing items 29410-29429 of 42035

    Multilevel tiling for non-rectangular interation spaces 

    Jiménez Castells, Marta (Date of defense: 1999-05-28)

    La motivación principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de compilación dirigidas a conseguir mayor rendimiento encódigos numéricos complejos que definen es pacios de iteraciones no rectangulares. En ...

    Multilingual adaptative text simplification 

    Sheang, Kim Cheng (Date of defense: 2023-11-02)

    Reading is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It allows us to access information, gain knowledge, expand our understanding of the world around us, and build the foundation for learning, ...

    Multilingual literacy practices of students aged 6-14 at a Japanese school in Catalonia: language, writing systems and technology 

    Fukukawa, Misa (Date of defense: 2019-06-18)

    Recently, multiliteracy has received lots of attention. Due to increased migration, globalisation and intermarriage, as of 2017, there are 203 Hoshukos (Japanese school located outside of Japan) spread across 56 different ...

    Multilingual retrieval of crisis-relevant information from social media 

    Vitiugin, Fedor (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    Social media is a valuable platform for sharing real-time perspectives and insights, particularly during dynamic events. Extracting relevant information from social media during emergencies can be challenging, especially ...

    Multilingualism as misbehavior: Linguistic acculturation, identity, and immigrant heritage languages in Catalan schools 

    Sáenz Hernández, Isabel (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    Aquesta tesi utilitza el llenguatge com a unitat d’anàlisi, ja que està interrelacionat amb temes de simbolisme ètnic, pertinença a un grup, currículum escolar i discurs sobre la immigració. Explora l'aculturació lingüística ...

    Multilingualism, elitism and ideologies of globalism in international schools in Catalonia: An ethnographic study 

    Sunyol Garcia-Moreno, Andrea (Date of defense: 2019-09-27)

    En les últimes dècades, moltes escoles d’elit fundades segons paràmetres nacionals s’han internacionalitzat per adaptar-se a les condicions canviants de les societats en la modernitat tardana, i mantenir-se competitives ...

    Multilingüismo y (no) traducción: Estudio descriptivo de los cambios de código presentes en las traducciones del boom del Nordic noir sueco 

    Pascual-Beltrán, Ana (Date of defense: 2022-12-13)

    Las novelas del boom del Nordic noir sueco presentan fragmentos, frases y términos en otras lenguas que se alternan con la lengua principal. Esta alternancia refleja la realidad multilingüe de Suecia, donde el inglés tiene ...

    Multilingüísme i obertura multilingüe. Gènesi, enfocaments i estratègies d'un programa de desconstrucció 

    Marbà Mas, Teresa (Date of defense: 2021-04-26)

    El problema central sobre el qual s’estructura aquesta tesi és la voluntat de suggerir una resposta no dicotòmica al conflicte unilingüisme/bilingüisme, tal com es viu i es llegeix des de la societat catalana, posant ...

    Multimedia fate modelling and impact of pharmaceutical compounds on freshwater ecosystems 

    Morais, Sérgio Alberto (Date of defense: 2014-01-22)

    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal contribuir al desarrollo de las mejores prácticas disponibles en la modelización del destino multimedia y de los efectos de compuestos farmacéuticos para evaluar su impacto en los ...

    Multimodal 3D computer planning system for the implantation of stereotactic electrodes in refractory epilepsy 

    Higueras-Esteban, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2021-06-17)

    Neurosurgery is evolving towards the use of minimally invasive procedures. In this dissertation, we present several tools designed to fulfill the multimodal and multidisciplinary requirements of Stereoencephalography (SEEG) ...

    A multimodal apprach to persuasion in oral presentations: The case of conference presentations, research dissemination talks and product pitches 

    Valeiras Jurado, Julia (Date of defense: 2017-06-09)

    Esta tesis presenta un estudio multimodal y etnográfico del uso de estrategias persuasivas en tres géneros orales: presentaciones en conferencias, charlas de divulgación científica, y presentaciones de productos. Estos ...

    Multimodal biomarkers studies in the continuum dementia with lewy bodies – alzheimer´s disease 

    Morenas Rodríguez, Estrella (Date of defense: 2020-02-27)

    La demència amb cossos de Lewy (DCLw) es caracteritza per la seva heterogeneïtat. En aquesta tesi, el meu objectiu és investigar aquesta heterogeneïtat a través de l'anàlisi dels diferents subtipus clínics basats tant en ...

    Multimodal characterization and modulation of large-scale memory networks: Implications for cognitive aging 

    Vidal Piñeiro, Dídac (Date of defense: 2014-11-07)

    As neurocognitive decline is probably the greatest threat to healthy aging in our society it is necessary to know the factors that are associated with neurocognitive frailty or protection such as the expression of brain ...

    Multimodal eye's optical quality (MEOQ) 

    García Guerra, Carlos Enrique (Date of defense: 2016-07-29)

    Within the visual system, the optics of the eye is responsible for forming images of external objects on the ocular fundus for its photo-reception and neural interpretation. However, the eye is not perfect and its capabilities ...

    Multimodal Imaging PLGA Nanocapsules as Protein Carrier for Potential Neurorepair in Ischemic Brain 

    Zhang, Yajie (Date of defense: 2020-09-15)

    Els avenços en sistemes nanoparticulats capaços de proporcionar les funcionalitats necessàries a les noves nanomedicines i oferir la possibilitat de combinar la detecció no invasiva de malalties amb tractaments individualitzats ...

    Multimodal microwave filters 

    Contreras Lizarraga, Adrián Arturo (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)

    This thesis presents the conception, design and implementation of new topologies of multimodal microwave resonators and filters, using a combination of uniplanar technologies such as coplanar waveguide (CPW), coplanar ...

    Multimodal MRI Study of Human Brain Connectivity: Cognitive Networks 

    Sala Llonch, Roser (Date of defense: 2015-01-13)

    Aquesta tesi inclou 6 estudis en els quals s’han utilitzat diversos mètodes d’imatge per ressonància magnètica (IRM) per caracteritzar la connectivitat cerebral i la seva relació amb l’estat cognitiu en joves sans, persones ...

    Multimodal Neuroimaging of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Clinical and Healthy Control Samples 

    Picó Pérez, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-10-11)

    Emotion regulation is a critical process for dealing appropriately with emotions in our daily lives. An important part of adaptively regulating emotions is being able to maintain a balance between short-term and long-term ...

    Multimodal phonetic training: the benefits of hand gestures on learning L2 sounds 

    Xi, Xiatong (Date of defense: 2023-09-22)

    In the realm of second language acquisition of pronunciation, perception-based phonetic training has been shown to be effective in improving L2 perception and production. By incorporating the visual modality of the speaker’s ...

    Multimodal Stereo from Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum 

    Barrera Campo, Jos e Fernando (Date of defense: 2012-11-29)

    Recientes avances en im agenes t ermicas (LWIR) han permitido su uso en aplicaciones m as all a del ambito militar. Actualmente, esta nueva familia de sensor esta siendo incluida en diversas aplicaciones tanto t ecnicas ...