Now showing items 28-47 of 209

    Arquitectures espontànies, reflexions sobre constants en arquitectura : la península del Cap de Creus, una topografia en el temps 

    Gironés Saderra, Antoni (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    Hi ha arquitectures on les relacions vinculades amb l’habitabilitat i establertes entre els seus diferents elements, son sempre produïdes a partir de criteris funcionals, i en cap cas ni formal ni espacialment, condicionades ...

    Atemporalitat en l’obra madura de Livio Vacchini (1987-2007) 

    Montal Roura, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-07-13)

    This thesis aims to analyze in depth the latest works of the Ticino's architect Livio Vacchini (1933-2007) in order to be able to conclude that what makes it different and charm lies in the atemporal character of which is ...

    Atles del Port de Maó 

    Vidal Jordi, Antoni (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    An eminently urban landscape, an infrastructure element, and a -natural- port of general interest of the State, explained from architecture as a discipline and a starting point: this is the purpose of the doctoral thesis ...

    Austral 1938-1944: lo individual y lo colectivo 

    Fuzs, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2012-12-17)

    The Austral group was an architectural society founded in Buenos Aires towards the end of the year 1938. It originated as a result of a meeting that took place in París ayear earlier, in Le Corbusier's studio. On that ...

    Álvaro Siza : lugar y crisis 

    Illescas Marín, Ángel (Date of defense: 2018-04-03)

    The initial interpretations of Álvaro Siza’s work outside Portugal put the notion of place at the core of his architecture, in line with certain critical positions that appeared in Europe after the Second World War. From ...

    Álvaro Siza en el Berlín dividido : el proyecto urbano en los márgenes (1976-1988) 

    Doménech Rodríguez, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    This doctoral thesis, entitled "Alvaro Siza in divided Berlin. The urban project at the margins (1976-1988)” deals with the contemporary validity of architecture in its urban dimension for the construction of the contemporary ...

    Barcelona en el punto de mira : lecturas de la ciudad 

    Aguado Roca, María Teresa (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    The thesis "Barcelona in the spotlight. Readings of the city" propases an overview of the city derived from the process of architectural design. lt propases to decipher the concept of a city which exists implicitly in the ...

    Buits infraestructurals : estratègies operatives pel projecte de la ciutat contemporània 

    Vancells Guérin, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    The aim ofthis thesis is to create an analytical framework to understand the specificity and potential of these areas from a critical view of the current extensive growth model operating on the territory, which is performing ...

    Burle Marx : caminos del paisajismo moderno brasileño 

    Guimaraes, Aline Sampaio de Mello (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    The work developed by this thesis proposes the analysis of twenty one landscape designs that were conceived by Roberto Burle Marx between 1930 and 1970. By walking through different phases and design rehearses, we are able ...

    Carlos González Lobo... Caminos hacia lo alternativo dentro del ámbito conceptual, proyectual y contextual de la arquitectura 

    González Ortiz, Humberto (Date of defense: 2002-06-11)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral es el de ofrecer una lectura alternativa o paralela al quehacer arquitectónico actual en América Latina en general y analizar las propuestas del arquitecto mexicano Carlos ...

    Carlos Martí Arís e i suoi eteronimi : vocazione all'anonimo 

    Licitra, Fabio (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)

    This research enquires into the investigating perspective of Carlos Marti Arias. To this effect his privileged field of action is framed, more concretely the articulated link that is established in architecture between ...

    Cartografia operativa : usos del mapa al projecte arquitectònic, 1982-2012 

    Paez, Roger (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    We live in a complex world. For some time, the great certainties and the narratives they support have been shown to be inadequate as an entryway into the richness of the contemporary world. lt is not just a question of ...

    Casa la Ricarda de Antonio Bonet Castellana : un territorio formalizado 

    Flores, Ricardo, 1965- (Date of defense: 2016-02-10)

    This work is dedicated to the house La Ricarda, a work by the architect Antonio Bonet Castellana. The house is the result of a particular program that combines family lite with meetings and social celebration. lt is settled ...

    Casa O'Gorman : habitando la cueva (1949–1969) 

    Arellano, Iván (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    Juan O'Gorman was one of lhe most inftuential architects of the last century in Mexico. His architecture and his pictorial work have hada big influence to date and have left a trace in the panorama of Mexican contemporary ...

    Casa relato colección : la construcción del espacio a través de los objetos 

    Santolaria Castellanos, Ana Isabel (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    The main objective of this research is to offer an insight into the collection from the point of view of architecture, especially focused on domestic space. The goal is to analyse and deepen on the existing relations between ...

    Casas Obregón & Valenzuela años 50 : contribución a la formación de una tipología 

    Llanos Chaparro, Isabel (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    En 1946, José María Obregón Rocha, Pablo de Valenzuela y Vega y Rafael Obregón González, graduados del Department of Architecture, The Catholic University of America, regresan a Colombia, en donde fundan Obregón, Valenzuela ...

    Ceci est mon testament: Marc-Antoine Laugier 

    Restrepo Hernández, Fabio (Date of defense: 2011-07-12)

    The demolition the monolithic interpretation the engraving, which accompanies as Irontispiece Marc-Antoine Laugier's Essai sur l'Architecture, object the present work, aims to liberate the question about the origin ...

    Ciudad casa comida : una aproximación poliédrica a los límites entre lo público y lo privado. 

    Steegmann Mangrané, David (Date of defense: 2017-11-10)

    This thesis aims to highlight the influence of food in the house and the city, focusing the study in the countries of the industrialized West, where food customs, largely because of the existence of the same base of religious ...

    Ciudad sin cocina : el Waldorf Astoria, apartamentos con servicios domésticos colectivos en Nueva York, 1871-1929 

    Puigjaner, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-09-15)

    The PhD dissertation is focused on the study of the hotel Waldorf Astoria of New York, outlining from this paradigmatic case study an overview of the history of new housing typologies with collective housekeeping services ...

    La ciudad teatro : el lugar de la escena y otros lugares 

    Garcés Alzamora, Andrés (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    The main target in this thesis wants to demonstrate that there is an architectonic vision who incorporales through historie principies belonging to theater and its scene, which has enriched the formal creation on project ...