Aspectos Biológicos y Ecológicos del Salmonete de Fango Mullus barbatus L., 1758 y del Salmonete de Roca Mullus surmuletus L.,1758, del Mediterráneo Noroccidental. 

    Aguirre Villaseñor, Hugo (Date of defense: 2000-04-06)

    En el presente trabajo se analizan aspectos concretos de la biología y ecología de Mullus barbatus y M. surmuletus.<br><br/>En primera instancia, se pretende determinar algunas diferencias biológicas, merísticas y morfométricas ...

    Beach inundation and morphological changes during storms using video monitoring techniques 

    Sancho García, Amanda (Date of defense: 2012-11-16)

    The predictability of beach inundation is mainly related to wave runup and most of the formulations that have been developed focus on the hydrodynamics, disregarding the morphological changes caused during storms. For these ...

    Biogeochemical controls of the transport and cycling of persistent organic pollutants in the polar oceans 

    Galbán Malagón, Cristóbal (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)

    Humanity is currently using more than 200000 synthetic organic compounds in many industrial, agricultural and domestic applications. Many of these chemicals reach the environment and have a harmful effect on ecosystems and ...

    Biological rhythms in the Norway lobster (Nephrops Norvegicus L.) : Ecological modulation and genetic basis = Ritmos biológicos en la cigala (Nephrops norvegicus L.) : modulación ecológica y bases genéticas 

    Sbragaglia, Valerio (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)

    Nephrops norvegicus is an important fishery resource for Europe. Its rhythmic burrowing behavior is strictly related to catchability. Here I studied such behavior under laboratory conditions. I investigated the combined ...

    Caracterización de la dispersión de contaminantes en la zona costera 

    Díez Rilova, Margarita (Date of defense: 2012-05-07)

    En nuestra sociedad los derivados del petróleo son la fuente principal de energía. Los accidentes con hidrocarburos han protagonizado episodios de contaminación trágicos para la biosfera del océano. Se analizan algunos ...

    Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping at two scales. Application to the Ebro delta 

    Alvarado Aguilar, Dagoberto (Date of defense: 2009-12-22)

    Aquesta tesi proposa un marc metodològic per a la determinació d'Àrees amb Risc d'Inundació i l'Avaluació de Danys per Tempestes Costaneres, en dues escales de treball: una a llarg termini relacionat amb l'Elevació Relativa ...

    Coastal vulnerability to storms at different time scales: application to the Catalan coast 

    Bosom García, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    Storm-induced impacts are known to cause important economic and environmental damages to coastal systems worldwide. Consequently, the relevance of including hazards and vulnerability assessments in coastal policies has ...

    Coastal Vulnerability to Storms in the Catalan Coast 

    Mendoza Ponce, Ernesto Tonatiuh (Date of defense: 2008-03-28)

    Este trabajo presenta un marco metodológico para la estimación de la vulnerabilidad costera al impacto de tormentas a dos escalas, regional y local. Se hace una evaluación de la vulnerabilidad costera física mediante la ...

    Coral reef ecosystem services economic valuation experiences from the South Pacific 

    Pascal, Nicolas (Date of defense: 2013-11-11)

    Economic approaches through ecosystem services (ES) valuation are increasingly recommended by conservation organisations to face main market externalities affecting biodiversity in general and coral reef ecosystems. In ...

    Daphnia magna bioassays to detect novel eco-toxicological effects of prioritary and emergent contaminants 

    Campos, Bruno (Date of defense: 2014-01-10)

    There is increasing evidence that the presence of many emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems may have detrimental effects on aquatic biota. Of special concern are those emerging pollutants that may act as putative ...

    Debris flows and general steep slope shallow water flows numerical simulation 

    Medina Iglesias, Vicente (Date of defense: 2011-01-24)

    The main target of this research is to develop a numerical model for debris flow simulations. As it is known, in general, this kind of flows occur in steeped mountain slopes. When dealing with the complete 3D physic system ...

    Desarrollo de un modelo numérico 3D en elementos finitos para las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes : aplicaciones oceanográficas 

    Maidana, Manuel Augusto (Date of defense: 2007-09-14)

    En esta tesis se ha desarrollado y validado un modelo tridimensional de circulación costera en elementos finitos capaz de simular una región limitada del océano. La escala de longitud de las aplicaciones pueden ser del ...

    Desarrollo de un modelo para el estudio de la dispersión de contaminantes provenientes de una granja de culrivo de camarón en el Complejo Lagunar Estero de Urías: una laguna costera urbanizada (México) 

    Cardoso Mohedano, José Gilberto (Date of defense: 2013-03-21)

    Con el objetivo de desarrollar una herramienta de gestión para la reducción del impacto de los efluentes sobre los ecosistemas receptores de una granja camaronícola en el Estero de Urías, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México, se ...

    Distribució i caracterització de les proteïnes espermàtiques bàsiques a peixos, agnats i procordats 

    Saperas Plana, Núria (Date of defense: 1992-12-17)

    En aquest treball es caracteritzen les proteïnes espermàtiques bàsiques (PEB) que condensen el DNA de l'espermatozoide de diferents grups de deuteròstoms, tant procordats (tunicats o urocordats i cefalocordats) com vertebrats ...

    Distribution and partitioning of organic pollutants and effects in coastal birds 

    Vicente de Bobes, Joana (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)

    Coastal areas are very susceptible to contamination due to the interaction of marine and anthropogenic processes. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds very resistent to photolysis and chemical and ...

    Distribution and population biology of pelagic decapod crustaceans of the western Mediterranean 

    Silveira Simão, Daniela (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    The present thesis provides new information about pelagic decapod crustaceans, specially so concerning the Mediterranean pasiphaeids. Remarkable differences in the pattern of distributions of the pasiphaeids were observed ...

    Distribution of soft-bottom polychaetes assemblages at different scales in shallow waters of the northern mediterranean Spanish coast 

    Serrano Samaniego, Letzi Graciela (Date of defense: 2012-07-24)

    Soft-bottom polychaete assemblages inhabiting shallow waters of the northern Mediterranean Spanish coast were studied with the objective to elucidate its present structure, distribution and diversity at different scales ...

    Dynamics of oligotrophic pelagic environments:North western Mediterranean sea and subtropical north Atlantic 

    Bahamon Rivera, Nixon (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)

    The response of phytoplankton to various ecological forcings was examined in the upper waters of the NW Mediterranean (MED) and the subtropical North Atlantic (NA) from field observations, analysis of historical data sets ...

    Ecology of the marine copepod genus Oithona 

    Zamora Terol, Sara (Date of defense: 2013-09-29)

    Copepods have a crucial role in the pelagic marine ecosystem, for their participation in the nutrient cycling and carbon export in biogeochemical cycles, and their role as link organisms between primary producers and higher ...

    Efecto de la dieta y otros factores sobre la excreción de amonio y el aprovechamiento del nitrógeno por la Dorada S. aurata y su incidencia en los cultivos de esta especie 

    Martínez López, Roberto (Date of defense: 2002-07-24)

    El amonio es el catabolito mayoritario en los peces, significando más del 60% de los residuos nitrogenados totales, y siendo la fracción no ionizada (ANI) un compuesto tóxico tanto para el medio de cultivo como para el ...