Now showing items 41-60 of 74

    El Rol físico del agua en mezclas de cemento Portland 

    Soares Klein, Nayara (Date of defense: 2012-10-26)

    Water is one of the fundamental components of concrete, not only for its role on the hydration of Portland cement, but also because of the physical functions it develops, which are associated with the main phases of concrete ...

    Análisis numérico de presas de hormigón bajo acciones expansivas 

    Moura, André Campos de (Date of defense: 2012-11-23)

    The main objective of this thesis is to study the mechanical behavior of a dam concrete under internal expansive phenomena in both the macro-structural and the meso-structural level. An important contribution of this work ...

    Efectos de los esfuerzos cortantes biaxiales en la respuesta sísmica de columnas de hormigón armado 

    Osorio Bustamante, Edison (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    Durante un terremoto, las columnas de hormigón armado pueden verse sometidas a movimientos bidireccionales que pueden afectar su capacidad resistente y ductilidad. Sin embargo, las normas de diseño y evaluación sísmica no ...

    Interacciones microorganismo-hormigón: métodos de evaluación y posibles soluciones 

    Vaquero Martínez, José M. (Date of defense: 2013-02-22)

    La interacción microorganismo–hormigón es un proceso que, debido a la naturaleza porosa del hormigón, lo hace susceptible de ser colonizado por los microorganismos presentes en prácticamente todos los hábitats. Esta ...

    Characterization and modelling of SFRC elements 

    Blanco, Ana (Date of defense: 2013-03-20)

    The use of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) as a construction material has expanded beyond the traditional applications since the publication of design codes and guidelines. In fact, the industry is demanding FRC with ...

    Caracterización y diseño del homigón reforzado con fibras plásticas 

    Pujadas, Pablo (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    En esta Tesis Doctoral se abordan aspectos de gran interés en relación a la caracterización del HRFP, la definición de una ecuación constitutiva considerando la orientación de las fibras, y el comportamiento diferido del ...

    A model for the nonlinear, time-dependent and strengthening analysis of shear critical frame concrete structures 

    Ferreira, Denise Carina Santos (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    Nonlinear fibre beam models, due to its intrinsic simplicity and computational efficiency, are often an adequate alternative to the complex nonlinear plane and solid FE models for the assessment of entire frame structures. ...

    Construction control of cable-stayed bridges 

    Lozano Galant, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2013-07-22)

    This work presents a study of the simulation of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports focused on their response during construction and in service. To simulate the behavior during construction, a set of four ...

    Estudio del efecto de la nauraleza del árido reciclado en la microestructura y propiedades de la zona de transición árido-pasta de cemento. 

    Sidorova, Anna (Date of defense: 2013-07-24)

    Hoy día está ampliamente reconocido que la estructura de la matriz de cemento en las proximidades de los áridos, es distinta a la del resto de la pasta, aunque dicha microestructura de la zona interfacial es variable en ...

    Nuevo proceso constructivo de viaductos con cimbra autolanzable y nueva secuencia evolutiva 

    Díaz de Terán López, José Ramón (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    Durante los últimos años se han venido realizando viaductos con cimbra autolanzable y una nueva secuencia evolutiva de la sección transversal. Esta nueva secuencia evolutiva consiste en alcanzar un esquema autoportante que ...

    Mezclas ternarias de cemento Portland, cemento de aluminato de calcio y sulfato cálcico : mecanismos de expansión 

    Torrens Martí, David (Date of defense: 2013-10-16)

    Portland cement is the most widely used building material. Is mainly composed of silicates, also has lesser proportion of aluminates and calcium sulfate. Its hydraulic nature generates in its hydration, the formation of ...

    Optimización térmica y energética de la doble fachada acristalada con ventilación mecánica en clima mediterráneo 

    Cuerva Contreras, Eva (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)

    El diseño de edificios siguiendo criterios de sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética se ha convertido en un imperativo en los países desarrollados, sobre todo a raíz de la Directiva europea 2010/31/UE sobre Eficiencia ...

    Characterization and control of wet-mix sprayed concrete with accelerators 

    Galobardes Reyes, Isaac (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    The development of the wet-mix system and the use of the sprayed concrete as a part of the new Austrian tunnelling method (NATM) marked an increase in the use and in the structural responsibility of the material, with ...

    Bi-layer diaphragm walls : experimental and numerical analysis 

    Segura-Castillo, Luis (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    Leakage is a widespread problem associated with the construction of diaphragm walls whenever they are erected in water-bearing ground. The aim of the present research is to develop a new type of slurry wall: the bi-layer ...

    Resistencia a cortante de los forjados de vigueta pretensada y bovedilla 

    Ribas Gonzalez, Carlos R. (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    A pesar de que los forjados de vigueta pretensada y bovedilla se han utilizado desde los años 40 en prácticamente todo el mundo, los modelos que actualmente se utilizan para su cálculo frente al Estado Límite Último de ...

    Contributions to rework prevention in construction projects 

    Macarulla Martí, Marcel (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)

    Literature usually suggests that construction organization can reduce the costs derived from rework implementing quality management systems. Most common challenges and obstacles that construction organizations face during ...

    Structural behaviour of tapered steel plate girders subjected to shear 

    Bedynek, Agnieszka (Date of defense: 2014-03-31)

    Tapered plate girders often form part of large-scale structures such as long continuous bridges or industrial buildings where due to considerable loads the higher resistance is required. There are several important reasons ...

    Bioreceptivity optimisation of concrete substratum to stimulate biological colonisation 

    Manso Blanco, Sandra (Date of defense: 2014-05-09)

    The lack of green areas in cities is caused by the increase in population and the urbanisation process. However, an increasing interest in city greenery was observed since the beginning of twentieth century. Several benefits ...

    Gestión integral de obras hidráulicas de hormigón : del diagnóstico a la inversión 

    Pardo Bosch, Francesc (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    This doctoral thesis addresses jointly two paramount aspects in the management of the hydraulic structures in operating regime: the damage diagnosis and the investment prioritisation that should allow repairing such damages. ...

    MetodologÍa para la evaluación y seguimiento de procedimientos constructivos de forma sostenible e integrada 

    Casanovas Rubio, Maria del Mar (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    This doctoral thesis defines a new methodology for evaluating and comparing different construction projects in an objective and systematic manner. It is innovative by incorporating issues as diverse as cost, occupational ...