Now showing items 2666-2685 of 11039

    Development of Organocatalytic Tandem Processes for the Asymmetric Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds 

    Parra Montes, Claudio (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)

    En esta tesis se desarrolla una metodología general para la construcción tándem de manera asimétrica de importantes “building blocks” que se encuentran presentes en la estructuras de muchos productos naturales complejos y ...

    Development of polyvalent erythrocyte- and parasitized erythrocyte-targeted nanovectors as novel site-specific drug delivery approaches for Plasmodium falciparum malaria chemotherapy 

    Moles Meler, Ernest (Date of defense: 2015-12-09)

    Bearing in mind the absence of an effective preventive vaccine against malaria (WHO, 2015) and its severe clinical manifestations that are principally associated with red blood cell (RBC) destruction and parasitized-RBC ...

    Development of RTP processing for kesterite solar cells 

    Hernández Martínez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)

    This thesis is devoted to the development of new annealing strategies via Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) for Earth-abundant Cu2ZnSn(Sx,Se1-x) (CZTSSe) kesterite solar cells, which show a clear consensus amongst the scientific ...

    Development of Statistical Methodology to Study the Incidence of Drug Use 

    Sánchez Niubó, Albert (Date of defense: 2014-01-28)

    This work aims to contribute methodologically in the epidemiology of drug use, particularly estimation of incidence. No incidence figures of drug use in Spain had ever been published, prior to those appearing in these ...

    Development of synthetic strategies for lasso peptides with anticancer activity 

    Martín Gómez, Helena (Date of defense: 2018-02-23)

    Nowadays, the discovery and development of novel constrained peptides which are likely to combine the advantages of therapeutic proteins with those of small molecules is of special interest. This has partially prompted ...

    Development of tunable bioinks to fabricate 3D-printed in vitro models: a special focus on skeletal muscle models with potential applications in metabolic alteration studies 

    García Lizarribar, Andrea (Date of defense: 2022-01-28)

    In vitro engineered three-dimensional tissue models are attracting an increasing interest due to their potential applications in preclinical assays. On the one hand, they are an alternative to the high costs, ethical issues ...

    Development Patterns in Multi-Sector Growth Models 

    Cruz González, Bernabé Edgar (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    Common patterns of structural change in the sectoral composition of production, consumption and labor force are observed across countries during the economic development process. These patterns of change consist mainly of ...

    Development, implementation, and validation of a new method for meta-analysis of voxel-based neuroimage studies 

    Albajes-Eizagirre, Anton (Date of defense: 2021-06-17)

    [eng] The objective of this thesis was to develop a method for the meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies that overcomes the drawbacks of the neuroimaging meta-analytic methods described above. To this end, we modified ...

    Developmental Intergroup Theory of Mind: The protagonist’s social group membership as a pragmatic performance factor 

    Saumell Andreu, Carlota (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    [eng] During the early preschool years, the development of the concept of "the self" and "the other" has a significant impact on two socio-cognitive processes (Theory of Mind and social categorization) that have largely ...

    Developpement d'une technologie de puissance intelligente CMOS/DMOS immune au "latch-up" basée sur un concept de puits flottant 

    Puig i Vidal, Manuel (Date of defense: 1993-06-09)

    RÉSUMÉ:<br/><br/>Dans ce mémoire, nous avons proposé une méthodologie de conception originale basée sur un concept de puits flottant permettant de rendre immune au "latch-up" une technologie CMOS/DMOS de puissance intelligente ...

    El devenir docente de una profesora de Lengua inglesa en Secundaria. Un estudio narrativo a partir de la inmersión reflexiva en la propia práctica en tiempos de cambio educativo. 

    Romero Buiza, Encarnación (Date of defense: 2012-07-02)

    Esta tesis nace del deseo de convertir la propia actividad docente en objeto de investigación. El eje central del estudio es la experiencia profesional y personal como profesora de Lengua inglesa en secundaria con objeto ...

    Devenir escritora. Nacimiento y formación de las narradoras colombianas en el siglo XIX (1840-1870) 

    Agudelo Ochoa, Ana María (Date of defense: 2012-03-02)

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es reconstruir el surgimiento y emergencia de la figura de la narradora colombiana en el siglo XIX a partir de esos dos casos, específicamente de dos obras concretas: Cuadros de la vida ...

    El déficit cognitivo y la enfermedad de Alzheimer en presencia de alteraciones metabólicas: Estudio in vivo de una nueva diana terapéutica y de la estrategia multidiana para el tratamiento de estas condiciones 

    Espinosa Jiménez, Triana (Date of defense: 2023-09-26)

    [spa] La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es el tipo de demencia más común. En los últimos años su prevalencia se ha incrementado preocupantemente, considerándose la epidemia del siglo XXI. Hasta ahora solo se han conseguido ...

    Dia del Número, motivació de la Matemàtica 

    Vidal i Raméntol, Salvador (Date of defense: 2001-12-12)

    Inquiet perquè molts alumnes senten una aversió cap a les matemàtiques, ens vam proposar motivar als alumnes en aquesta matèria, és per aquest motiu que ens vam inventar el "Dia del número" que és una jornada en la qual ...

    Diabetis i Tuberculosi, estudi longitudinal de dues malalties sindèmiques a Ciutat Vella, Barcelona 

    Antonio Arques, Violeta (Date of defense: 2023-09-15)

    [cat] La Diabetis Mellitus (DM) és una malaltia molt prevalent, afectant al 2021 uns 537 milions de persones al món i responsable d’1.5 milions de morts anuals. Tot i que es preveu que les xifres vagin en augment de forma ...

    Diabetis mellitus tipus 2: Impacte metabòlic d'una dieta rica en sardina 

    Balfegó Díaz, Mariona (Date of defense: 2017-01-17)

    INTRODUCCIÓ: La teràpia nutricional és un dels pilars del tractament de la diabetis tipus 2 (DM2). Diverses organitzacions nacionals i internacionals de nutrició i diabetis recomanen el consum de peix (preferentment peix ...

    Diagenesis and fluid-fracture evolution in an intracontinental basin: The Penedès half-graben,western Mediterranean / Diagènesi i evolució de la relació fluid-fractura en una conca intracontinental: la conca del Penedès, oest de la Mediterrània 

    Baqués Almirall, Vinyet (Date of defense: 2012-12-04)

    The Penedes half-graben represents a natural field laboratory for the study of the link between tectonics and palaeofluids because it exposes numerous outcrops that allow a global and complete diagenetic study of the basin ...

    Diagnosis and perinatal therapies in an animal model of intrauterine growth restriction 

    Pla Codina, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    This Ph.D. Thesis is structured on two projects aiming to improve the intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) perinatal survival and brain development with new more accurate tools for continuous fetal monitoring and new ...

    Diagnòstic molecular de biomarcadors predictius en pacients amb càncer de pulmó de cèl·lula no petita 

    Clavé Safont, Sergi (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    El càncer de pulmó de cèl·lula no petita (CPCNP) es pot definir a nivell molecular per les alteracions genètiques que es produeixen en múltiples oncogens, inclosos els reordenaments dels gens ALK i ROS1. Per optimitzar el ...

    Diagnóstico clínico, bioquímico y molecular en pacientes con defecto del transportador de creatina. Opciones terapéuticas 

    Fons Estupiñá, M. Carmen (Date of defense: 2010-02-19)

    Los defectos de creatina cerebral (DCC) constituyen un grupo de enfermedades neurometabólicas hereditarias, descritas recientemente y hasta ahora infradiagnosticadas, tanto por la falta de procedimientos adecuados para su ...