Mostrando ítems 9510-9529 de 41729

    Design optimization of dual active bridge converter 

    Capó Lliteras, Macià (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-23)

    (English) The proliferation of batteries for local storage and electric vehicles (EVs) is rising steadily. The EV market’s prospects point to exponential growth in the coming years. This trend has also contributed to the ...

    Design optimization of storage terminals through the application of QRA 

    Bernechea, Esteban (Fecha de defensa: 2013-09-19)

    The storage of hazardous materials is a necessary part of the life cycle and operation of any process plant, which intrinsically entails certain hazards and dangers. The results of historical analysis reveal that 17% of ...

    Design principles in two component systems and his-asp phosphorelays 

    Salvadó López, Baldiri (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-20)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és trobar principis generals que permetin relacionar l’estructura i les propietats funcionals dels circuits moleculars de transducció de senyals two-component systems (TCS) i his-asp phosphorelays ...

    Design rules and optimization of electro-optic modulators based on coplanar waveguides 

    Ibarra Fusté, José Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-03)

    Electro-optical traveling wave modulators (EO-TWM) are basic building blocks of the optical communications industry which is leading a revolution in the way we communicate, work and live. As a result, the demand for ...

    Design Space Exploration of heterogeneous SoC Platforms for a Data-Dominant Application 

    Portero Trujillo, Antoni (Fecha de defensa: 2009-06-20)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es obtener un conjunto de implementaciones de un sistema especificado en alto nivel y bajarlo a diferentes plataformas arquitectónicas. Esto ha permitido realizar una comparación justa ...

    Design tools applied to a trochoidal gear pump 

    García Vílchez, Mercedes (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-31)

    Positive displacements pumps, as currently designed, produce significant flow pulsations that result in pressure pulsations. These pulsations contribute to the global noise generated by the installation. Moreover, they ...

    Design, characterization and applications of polyester nanoparticles obtained by enzymatic polymerization in nano-emulsions prepared by low-energy methods 

    Paulme, Camille (Fecha de defensa: 2013-02-01)

    The presence of volatile fragrant molecules is generally associated with a feeling of pleasantness or cleanness in consumer products. Because of their high volatilities, the perception of fragrances is limited over time. ...

    Design, characterization and fabrication of electrochromic flexible materials for the development of smart devices 

    Santiago Malagón, Sara (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-09)

    L'avenç al món tecnològic ha impulsat la innovació d'aplicacions amb funcionalitats intel·ligents. Per tant, la creació de materials les característiques dels quals poden canviar de manera reversible per un estímul extern ...

    Design, characterization and optimization of a novel liposomal based food supplement against chronic fatigue syndrome 

    Ruiz García, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-20)

    In today’s society, people’s interest against health care is growing every day. On a health- concerned population, food supplements and nutraceuticals are products with an increasing interest among the global community. ...

    Design, Construction and Characterization of Holographic Optical Elements for Building-Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaics 

    Marín Sáez, Julia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-29)

    El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és el disseny, construcció i caracterització d'un sistema de concentració solar format per dues lents cilíndriques hologràfiques i una cèl•lula fotovoltaica de silici per integració ...

    Design, development and characterisation of a Combined Solar Thermal Collection and Radiative Cooling System for heat and cold production 

    Vall Aubets, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-15)

    La concepció d'un món millor per a les generacions futures passa pel compromís de mitigar o revertir el canvi climàtic. L'origen del canvi climàtic és ben conegut: l'emissió de gasos d'efecte hivernacle relacionats amb ...

    Design, development, and modeling of a compton camera tomographer based on room temperature solid statepixel detector 

    Calderón, Yonatán (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-25)

    Desde el descubrimiento de los rayos X en 1895 y su primera aplicación médica un año después, se han desarrollado diferentes técnicas de imagen médica. La tomografía por emisión es una rama de las imágenes médicas que ...

    Design, fabrication and characterisation of gas sensors based on nanohybrid materials 

    Leghrib, Radouane (Fecha de defensa: 2010-11-22)

    Hoy en día, la necesidad de monitorizar y controlar el medio ambiente es a cada vez<br/>más importante debido al creciente nivel de gases tóxicos que provienen de la expansión<br/>de las actividades industriales, amenazando ...

    Design, fabrication and characterisation of interdigitated back-contacted c-Si solar cells based on transition metal oxides 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Gerard (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-25)

    The photovoltaic industry is mainly dominated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells, in which contact selectivity is usually achieved by doping the wafer surfaces with phosphorous (n+) and boron (p+) by means of high ...

    Design, fabrication and characterization of a gas preconcentrator based on thermal programmed adsorption/desorption for gas phase microdetection systems 

    Lahlou, Houda (Fecha de defensa: 2011-06-23)

    En aquesta tesi, proposem la fabricació y la caracterització d’un microconcentrador de gasos, per ser acoblat amb un microsistema de detecció, per millorar el seu límit de detecció davant els gasos tòxics. Aquest estudi ...

    Design, fabrication and characterization of porous silicon multilayer optical devices 

    Xifré Pérez, Elisabet (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-22)

    Thesis: DESIGN, FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POROUS SILICON MULTILAYER OPTICAL DEVICES<br/><br/>Author: Elisabet Xifré Pérez<br/>Directors: Lluís F. Marsal Garví i Josep Pallarès Marzal<br/><br/> <br/>Aquesta tesi ...

    Design, fabrication and characterization of semiconductor radiation sensors for future high energy physics experiments 

    Benítez Casma, Víctor Hugo (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    Aquest treball se centra en els sensors de radiació de silici, especialment en el disseny, la fabricació i la caracterització dels sensors de microstrip per a experiments en física d'alta energia. La creació de prototips ...

    Design, fabrication and characterization of thick-film gas sensors 

    Tsolov, Peter (Fecha de defensa: 2004-09-22)

    DE LA TESIS DOCTORAL<br/>Título: Diseño, fabricación y caracterización de sensores de capa gruesa<br/>Doctorando: Peter Tsolov Ivanov<br/>Director: Xavier Correig Blanchar<br/>Los sensores de gases de estado sólido han ...

    Design, fabrication, characterization and reliability study of CMOS-MEMS Lorentz-Force magnetometers 

    Valle Fraga, Juan José (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-06)

    Today, the most common form of mass-production semiconductor device fabrication is Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The dedicated Integrated Circuit (IC) interfaces of commercial sensors are ...

    Design, management, and simulation of mixed station-based and free-floating vehicle-sharing systems 

    Jiménez Meroño, Enrique (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-15)

    (English) This thesis provides tools, based on mathematical modelling, for the analysis, optimization and simulation, of vehicle-sharing systems. The thesis addresses various implementation levels of such systems, from ...