Now showing items 6218-6237 of 41663

    Colémbolos ("Collembola, insecta") edáficos de encinares de la Serra de I'Obac y la Serra de Prades (Sierra Prelitoral Catalana). Efectos de los incendios forestales sobre estos antrópodos 

    Mateos Frías, Eduardo (Date of defense: 1992-06-12)

    Se han estudiado las comunidades de microartrópodos edáficos, y de colémbolos en particular, de dos encinares de la Serralada Prelitoral Catalana: La Serra de l'Obac y la Serra de Prades. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo ...

    Colindancias : estudio de las relaciones de forma entre edificios contiguos 

    Escorihuela Vitales, Mamen (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    Urban architectural proposals arouse a false dilemma between complying site laws or preserving design autonomy. This thesis studies formal relations of projects wherein urban identity prevails, without compromising design ...

    Colisiones de partículas cargadas. Modelos de interacción y algoritmos numéricos 

    Bote Paz, David (Date of defense: 2010-03-25)

    En esta tesis se reformulan de manera detallada la primera aproximación de Born relativista con ondas planas (PWBA), para colisiones inelásticas de electrones, positrones y partículas pesadas con átomos o iones, suponiendo ...

    La Colisión de deberes en derecho penal: concepto y fundamentos de solución 

    Coca Vila, Ivó (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    La presente tesis doctoral procura una revisión del concepto y fundamento de solución de la colisión de deberes jurídico-penal. En cuanto a lo primero, una vez aceptado que se trata éste de un problema propio del complejo ...

    Collaborative beamforming schemes for wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting capabilities 

    Berbakov, Lazar (Date of defense: 2013-07-11)

    In recent years, wireless sensor networks have attracted considerable attention in the research community. Their development, induced by technological advances in microelectronics, wireless networking and battery fabrication, ...

    Collaborative Healthcare: Understanding its Meanings from different Agents 

    Maghsoudi, Tahereh (Date of defense: 2022-06-21)

    Aquesta tesis es centra en l’estudi del concepte d’assistència sanitària col•laborativa. El sistema de provisió d’assistència sanitària involucra diferents parts i agents que pretenen proporcionar serveis per promoure, ...

    Collaborative recommender agents based on case-based reasoning and trust 

    Montaner Rigall, Miquel (Date of defense: 2003-11-27)

    La comunitat científica que treballa en Intel·ligència Artificial (IA) ha dut a terme una gran quantitat de treball en com la IA pot ajudar a les persones a trobar el que volen dins d'Internet. La idea dels sistemes ...

    Collaborative social robot navigation in accompanying and approaching tasks 

    Repiso Polo, Ely (Date of defense: 2020-09-23)

    Our society is evolving to include robots in our daily lives. Therefore, it is necessary to develop robots capable of collaborating with people to carry out daily tasks, for example: accompanying, searching, transporting, ...

    Collaborative Techniques for Indoor Positioning Systems 

    Pascacio De Los Santos, Pavel (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on developing and evaluating mobile device-based collaborative techniques to enhance the position accuracy of traditional indoor positioning systems based on RSSI (i.e., lateration and ...

    Collapse scenarios in magnetized star-forming regions 

    Juárez Rodríguez, Carmen (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    Turbulence, magnetic fields and gravity driven flows are important for the formation of new stars. Although magnetic fields have been proven to be important in the formation of stars, only a few works have been done ...

    Collected results on semigroups, graphs and codes 

    Vico Oton, Albert (Date of defense: 2012-10-22)

    In this thesis we present a compendium of _ve works where discrete mathematics play a key role. The _rst three works describe di_erent developments and applications of the semigroup theory while the other two have more ...

    Collective decision-making under the influence of bribers and temporal constraints 

    Bannikova, Marina (Date of defense: 2016-07-06)

    Jo estudio la connexió entre la corrupció i les característiques estructurals dels parlaments: nombre de seients, el nombre de partits representats, i regles de decisió adoptades. Amb l'aplicació d'enfocaments analítics i ...

    Collective dynamics of bulk metallic glasses studied by molecular dynamics simulations 

    Valles Sales, Araceli (Date of defense: 2014-09-25)

    The development of new materials impacts on all branches of engineering and, in particular, in aerospace engineering. Metallic glasses (MG) are relatively newcomers to the world of materials science and have excellent ...

    Collective motion and collective decision-making in animal groups : from scholling fish to swarming robots 

    Múgica Gallart, Julia (Date of defense: 2023-06-07)

    (English) Collective behavior in animals is ubiquitous in nature. It emerges from the self-organization of interacting individuals within a group. What makes collective behavior so interesting is that the behavior of the ...

    Collective phenomena in networks of spiking neurons with synaptic delays 

    Devalle, Federico (Date of defense: 2019-05-03)

    A prominent feature of the dynamics of large neuronal networks are the synchrony-driven collective oscillations generated by the interplay between synaptic coupling and synaptic delays. This thesis investigates the emergence ...

    Collision-free WLANs: from concepts to working protocols 

    Sanabria-Russo, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-10-21)

    Using a deterministic backoff after successful transmissions as a distributed contention mechanism for access to the channel can draw benefits from scheduled operation, like the elimination of simultaneous transmissions, ...

    Collocation and collocation error processing in the context of second language learning 

    Rodríguez Fernández, Sara (Date of defense: 2018-03-19)

    Suele admitirse que las colocaciones en el sentido de coocurrencias idiosincráticas de palabras son un reto en el aprendizaje de lenguas. Los estudiantes producen frecuentemente combinaciones “agramaticales”' como *dar una ...

    Colloidal and molecular assemblies for bioengineering applications 

    Pescador Álvarez, Paula (Date of defense: 2007-12-20)

    La técnica de recubrimiento "capa por capa' (layer-by-layer, LbL) de superficies cargadas mediante materiales con carga opuesta es una herramienta versátil para la fabricación de ensamblados moleculares e interfaces ...

    Colloidal coordination polymer nanostructures: novel thermochromic and bioimaging probes 

    Suárez García, Salvio (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)

    Los polímeros de coordinación y su diseño racional permiten la formación de materiales nanoestructurados con una amplia variedad de propiedades. Las múltiples combinaciones entre iones metálicos y ligandos orgánicos como ...

    Colloidal Dispersions in Fluid Media: Electric, Magnetic and Light Control 

    Hernández Navarro, Sergi (Date of defense: 2015-02-27)

    In the present thesis I have worked with particle dispersion in water as well as in liquid crystal. As the first study of this thesis, I have studied the aggregation of isotropic (spherical) and elongated anisometric ...