Now showing items 26187-26206 of 41711

    Light activated gas nanosensors 

    González León, Oriol (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)

    Aquesta tesi està centrada en explorar la utilitat de la llum ultraviolada per tal d'activar els sensors de gasos basats òxids metàl·lics (MOX), i comparar els resultats amb l'activació per temperatura. Mitjançant l'aplicació ...

    Light and taste : third plane side‐view combined with complex fenestration system atmospheres under midday clear sky at restaurants 

    Uriarte Otazua, Urtza (Date of defense: 2016-12-22)

    This thesis deals with sunny side-lit indoor atmospheres, in which an outdoor view is required and a calm environment to enhance concentration. Different window systems were compared: a single fully glazed façade and complex ...

    Light beam propagation in complex crystals 

    Kumar, Nikhil P. (Date of defense: 2017-07-13)

    Recent advancement in Photonics have brought about a new era of miniaturisation. Along came a need for technology to allow the manipulation of light at the micrometer scale, with precise control over beam propagation. The ...

    Light enhancements in nano-structured solar cells 

    Pastorelli, Francesco (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    In this century some of our main issues are energy shortage and pollution. This work will briefly describe these problems, proposing a plan of action combining energy saving and different sustainable energy sources. Within ...

    Light generation and manipulation from nonlinear randomly distributed domains in SBN 

    Yao, Can (Date of defense: 2014-06-25)

    Disordered media with refractive index variations can be found in the atmosphere, the ocean, and in many materials or biological tissues. Several technologies that make use of such random media, as image formation, satellite ...

    Light harvesting and energy efficiency in perovskite solar cells and their applications 

    Martínez-Denegrí Sánchez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-09-29)

    The environmental issues associated with the use of conventional fuels necessitates the utilisation of renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of energy efficient designs, in order to decrease electricity ...

    Light harvesting in fiber array organic solar cells 

    Mariano Juste, Marina (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    Considering that the most abundant renewable energy source is the Sun, photovoltaic technology possesses one of the highest potentials to provide environmental benign and sustainable energy worldwide. Currently, most of ...

    Light management in non-Hermitian systems 

    Ahmed, Waqas Waseem (Date of defense: 2018-04-17)

    The quest for new artificial structures and materials uncovers novel new light-matter interactions, and intriguing physical phenomena. Since the late 80’s purely dielectric materials have been structured, at the wavelength-scale, ...

    Light methods for conformance checking of business processes 

    Taymouri, Farbod (Date of defense: 2018-12-21)

    Conformance Checking is a new research discipline devoted to identify deviations between business process models and their real executions. Identifying deviations boils down to the notion of alignment conceptually. An ...

    Light scalar fields in a dark universe: models of inflation, dark energy and dark matter 

    Zsembinszki, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2007-06-25)

    La teoría científica de más éxito hoy en día, sobre el origen y la evolución del universo, es conocida como el modelo estándar del Big Bang, el cual es una de las construcciones intelectuales más ambiciosas de la humanidad. ...

    Light-driven Metal-catalyzed Asymmetric Transformations 

    Gandolfo, Eugenio (Date of defense: 2021-09-09)

    Resum Una molècula en el seu estat excitat ofereix una reactivitat completament diferent de la del seu estat fonamental. Pot comportar-se tant com a millor oxidant com a millor reductor, permetent així noves transformacions ...

    Light-limited growth of Chromatium vinosum 

    Sànchez Martínez, Olga (Date of defense: 1996-11-08)

    Light-matter interaction with atomic ensembles 

    Dubost, Brice (Date of defense: 2012-11-26)

    (English) The study of quantum light-matter interaction with atomic ensembles is an active research area. This kind of system allows fundamental studies on measurement in the context of continuous variables, in collective ...

    Light-motion interaction in disordered nanostructures 

    Arregui Bravo, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    La interacció de la llum confinada en una cavitat òptica amb els graus de llibertat mecànics de la matèria en els sistemes optomecànics permet la investigació fonamental en física mesoscòpica i el desenvolupament de ...

    Light-sensitive nanocarriers for drug delivery in photodynamic therapy 

    Rodríguez Amigo, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2018-02-09)

    Aquesta tesi aprofundeix en l’estudi de nanotransportadors com a sistemes de vehiculització i en alguns casos, alliberació de fotosensibilitzadors emprats en teràpia fotodinàmica. S’han fet servir dos nanotransportadors ...

    Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Access Protocols for Low Emission Zones 

    Anglés Tafalla, Carles (Date of defense: 2020-01-22)

    Les Zones de Baixes Emissions (ZBE), és a dir, àrees on s'apliquen certes restriccions o recàrrecs als seus usuaris d'acord amb les emissions dels seus vehicles, s'han convertit en un dels mecanismes més populars per abordar ...

    Lightweight and static verification of UML executable models 

    Planas Hortal, Elena (Date of defense: 2013-03-21)

    Executable models play a key role in many development methods (such as MDD and MDA) by facilitating the immediate simulation/implementation of the software system under development. This is possible because executable ...

    Lightweight PRNG for Low-Cost Passive RFID Security Improvement 

    Melià Seguí, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-04-12)

    Els sistemes RFID estan composats per tags (coneguts també amb el nom d'etiquetes electròniques) que emmagatzemen un codi d'identificació que es pot obtenir via radiofreqüència per un equip lector, i ser transmesa a la ...

    Lignocellulolytic enzymes production via Solid-State Fermentation of agroindustrial residues: process optimization and application 

    Llimós Turet, Jordi (Date of defense: 2022-03-03)

    Aquesta tesis esta enfocada en la valorització de residus agroindustrials mitjançant la utilització de la fermentació en estat sòlid per a la producció enzimàtica. Aquest estudi es troba emmarcat dins el projecte Valorització ...

    Lignocellulosic wastes and chitosan composites applied to recover rare earth elements by liquid-solid separation 

    Lapo Calderón, Byron Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2023-07-12)

    (English) Rare earths elements (REE) are crucial elements to the future of technology, particularly to the power generation and road transport. One of the most sustainable processes to recover rare earths is biosorption. ...