Now showing items 11967-11986 of 41700

    Efectos y consecuencias del 11-S. Una perspectiva ético-política 

    Vélez Salas, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2011-05-27)

    A diez años de los atentados terroristas ocurridos en Nueva York y Washington (11-S) resulta necesario hacer una lectura ética y política de los efectos globales que ha tenido dicho acontecimiento en áreas tan diversas ...

    Efectos y relación entre el control Postural, la Propiocepción y la Doble Tarea 

    Nieto Guisado, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2022-03-04)

    Els objectius d’aquesta tesi doctoral varen ser el de determinar els efectes del mètode Mézierès (MM) sobre el dolor i la discapacitat relacionades amb el dolor lumbar, en comparació amb un programa de fisioteràpia sedativa ...

    Effect and Metabolism of lignans on gut microbiota and their impact on health 

    Creus i Cuadros, Anna (Date of defense: 2018-02-27)

    The World Health Organization (WHO) 1 says that CVDs are number one cause of death globally. An estimated 17.7 million people died from CVDs in 2015, representing 31% of all global deaths. Over three quarters of CVD deaths ...

    The effect of a nutrition-specific intervention on nutritional status in moderate acute malnourished children under five years of age in a rural area of Mozambique 

    Vilella Nebot, Maria Eugènia (Date of defense: 2017-06-19)

    Segons l’ Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) al 2015 aproximadament 156 milions de nens patien malnutrició crònica, 49.8 milions malnutrició aguda i 95.5 milions malnutrició global. A Moçambic (2011) es va veure que ...

    Effect of adjusting prenatal iron supplementation on maternal iron status and child neurodevelopment 

    Iglesias Vázquez, Lucía (Date of defense: 2023-11-20)

    Tant el dèficit com l'excés de ferro prenatal s'han associat a conseqüències negatives per a la salut de mares i fills, com a menor capacitat cognitiva, lingüística i motriu, així com problemes de comportament a la infància. ...

    Effect of aging and methionine restriction on rat tissue metabolomic profiles 

    Pradas Barriga, Irene (Date of defense: 2018-06-08)

    El procés d’envelliment causa nombrosos canvis als organismes a tots els nivells d’organització biològica, es redueixen les capacitats funcionals i l’homeòstasi, i s’incrementa la probabilitat de desenvolupar malalties ...

    Effect of Agronomic and technological factors on the formation of ethyl esters in virgin olive oil in Catalonia 

    Boudebouz, Abdelaziz (Date of defense: 2021-07-29)

    El contingut dels èsters alquílics dels àcids grassos (Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters, FAAEs) i especialment el dels èsters etílics (FAEEs), han estat proposats recentment com marcadors de qualitat, frescor i bon maneig de les ...

    Effect of alkaline conditions on near-field processes of a spent nuclear fuel geological repository 

    Martínez Torrents, Albert (Date of defense: 2015-03-17)

    The contact ofthe spent nuclear fuel (SNF) with water dueto a failure in the canister would be a conservative but still plausible hypothesis in the safety assesment of a deep geologic repository (DGR). Concrete and ...

    Effect of an Enamel Matrix Protein Derivate (Emdogain) on Tooth Autotransplantation: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Study 

    Lucas-Taulé, Ernest (Date of defense: 2023-09-15)

    Tooth autotransplantation has emerged as a promising alternative to dental implants for replacing missing or non-restorable teeth. This PhD project presents a compilation of four publications that investigate the various ...

    The effect of auditory and articulatory phonetic training on the perception and production of L2 vowels by Catalan-Spanish learners of English 

    Aliaga-Garcia, Cristina (Date of defense: 2017-12-14)

    Adult second language learners often experience major difficulties in perceiving and producing non-native speech sounds. Several perception training studies (Iverson & Evans, 2007; Nishi, & Kewley-Port, 2007; Carlet & ...

    Effect of bariatric surgery on the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies and protein status 

    Moizé Arcone, Violeta (Date of defense: 2017-09-14)

    BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery (BS) is the most effective long-term therapy for the treatment of severe obesity. Benefits of BS include a reduction of overall and cardiovascular mortality, incidence of first occurrence of ...

    Effect of competition between Aphytis chrysomphali (Mercet) and A. melinus (Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae), on their coexistence and efficacy as biological control agents of Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) 

    Cebolla Sos, Ruth (Date of defense: 2018-03-13)

    The California red scale Aonidiella aurantii is considered a key citrus pest. Parasitoids of genus Aphytis are the most important natural enemies of A. aurantii. In the Mediterranean basin, the native A. chrysomphali and ...

    Effect of compounds from agricultural biodegradable plastics on the environment and on plant development 

    Serrano-Ruiz, Hadaly (Date of defense: 2021-10-26)

    Els encoixinats plàstics agrícoles són una peça fonamental del sistema agrícola, contribuint a fer front a la demanda d'alimentació de la creixent població mundial. El seu ús incrementa la producció, precocitat i qualitat ...

    Effect of compression and decompression rates of high hydrostatic pressure processing on inactivation of microorganisms in different matrices 

    Qamar Abbas, Syed (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    El efecto de las tasas de compresión y descompresión a altas presiones hidrostáticas (HHP) en la inactivación de bacterias ha sido poco estudiado. La literatura disponible presenta resultados contradictorios. Este estudio ...

    Effect of Cpt1a deletion in the mediobasal hypothalamus in response to physical activity and aging 

    Ibeas Martínez, Kevin (Date of defense: 2022-11-04)

    [eng] Food intake and energy homeostasis are tightly regulated by the brain through a complex neuronal network located in the hypothalamus. Within this region, the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) acts as an interface between ...

    Effect of deformation on the mechanical behavior of an advanced steel of high resistance with high manganese content 

    Lima, Marcos Natan da Silva (Date of defense: 2023-06-30)

    (English) Pre-salt oil exploration means a new development path for Brazil. This activity stimulates investments from national and foreign companies, boosts the production of technology, promotes greater professional ...

    Effect of design and operational factors on the removal of emerging organic contaminants in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment 

    Ávila Martín, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    Water of quality constitutes a scarce and essential resource for life and public health, and its sustainable management is of crucial importance. Thus, wastewater treatment, reuse and reclamation represent a key practice ...

    Effect of different dietary factors on intramuscular fat content in pigs 

    Tous Closa, Núria (Date of defense: 2012-11-09)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es: (1) determinar si el consumidor español asocia la grasa intramuscular (GIM) a la aceptabilidad de la carne de cerdo; (2) incrementar la GIM a través de estrategias nutricionales (adición de ...

    Effect of different fiber sources on the digestive function and development of calves 

    Castells Domingo, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2013-05-17)

    Per analitzar l'efecte de la inclusió de fonts de fibra en la dieta dels vedells abans del deslletament sobre el rendiment productiu, comportament, i el desenvolupament i funció del tracte gastrointestinal es van realitzar ...